Make me feel something

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Hunters life was the best it had ever been. His career and popularity was sky high and Elijah was still training him to the high levels he always had done. Hunter was stronger faster and cleverer than he'd been and he was even surpassing Grayson's records which was quite a feat.

The same high levels of training to UFC standards Hunter was racing past, Grayson had failed to maintain due to the illegal fights and drug taking which had got him kicked out of Elijahs gym and the UFC as a whole.

Grayson was insanely jealous of Hunters current success and rather than have his brothers back he channeled it into an anger toward him.

But neither brother was truly happy. Grayson had lost Maddie and the kids whilst Hunter had called time on his marriage to Hayley two months after their dad was inducted in the hall of fame.

He'd only knew her a month before that and so they'd rushed into something and neither of them truly loved one another so it quickly erupted into divorce.

But they'd split acrimoniously and held no hatred toward each other which Hunter was glad of.

Grayson was hurting everyone enough for him to take right now and despite his busy work life he was determined to step up where Grayson wasn't.

Madison had to admit Hunter had been great, he'd been then when his brother was too much of a mess to be. She cried on his shoulder despite their history and was so glad they were still able to be friends. Gracie needed him more than ever and if he daddy couldn't be there Hunter would be, Madison was sure of that.

"Hey you two kept the noise down before we get complaints" I joked as I entered Gracies hospital room to see her covered in gift wrap and fabric of all colours of the rainbow.

Gracie was beaming brightly and giggling at something Hunter was saying and looked more alive than she had in days.

"Look momma" Gracie gasped excitedly holding up the fabrics for me to see closer up as i scooted her over slightly and snuggled up on the bed next to her.

"I hope you don't mind" Hunter smiled nervously running his hand over his face with an anxious boyish tone.

"Are you kidding?! No these are amazing" how could I mind. I was overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.
He had got Gracie custom made head scarves with the words 'gorgeous Gracie Barrett' embroidered over them just like his fight gear to cheer her up and by god had it worked.

"So I got pink, light purple. Dark purple, baby blue, red and this cute multiple coloured version" Hunter smiles then carried on telling Gracie as he showed them to her one by one.

"pwetty" she smiled in awe of her latest gifts from her uncle

"one for every outfit little princess" Hunter kissed her forehead and hugged her affectionately .

My heart swelled seeing someone making such a sweet effort to cheer my baby girl up and I couldn't help but flash a bright smile at him.

"What?" He asked cautiously

"Nothing it's just really sweet that's all" I chewed the inside of my cheek feeling unable to stop smiling and feeling abit dumb

"I can be sweet Mads, you of all people should know that" Oh no he did not just wink at me after that double entendre comment.

"Oh my god you don't miss the chance to tease me do you?" I hung my head down in embarrassment at his teasing

"And miss a chance to see you blush like that? Nope- never. Not gonna happen" Hunter roared holding his stomach as he belly laughed at my expense

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