A match

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Mads PoV

"Umm Mrs Barrett, Mr Barrett  Doctor King would like to see you in his office in an hour please" the sweet nurse Darcy that cared for Gracie stuck her head in the room with a soft smile directed at my sleeping baby girl.

"Thanks but it's Ms Franklin" I corrected her feeling oddly uneasy at being refered to as that name when things between Grayson and I so unsure. I couldn't help but feel bitter that he had chosen now to sort himself out. I couldn't shift a sense of abandonment and it left a bitter taste in my mouth and a deep ache in my heart.

"Oh I'm so sorry I do apologise" Darcy apologised looking at both Grayson and I and furrowing her eyebrows sensing the tension in the atmosphere.

"Un-fucking-believably- Seriously?" Grayson scoffed shaking his head back and forth looking pissed off at me correcting the nurse

"What?" I retorted rolling my eyes at his outburst.

"Ms Franklin? It's been all of five minutes since you kicked me out and already you changed your name?!" Why was he surprised that going by the name given to me when we got married, going by the name that made me still sound like his dutiful, loving wife wasn't something that was high on my to do list right now.

"Is this seriously important right now?" My tone was full of resentment and I swallowed hard trying to shift the lump in my throat.

"Is anything I have to say important to you these days Mads?"

"Don't call me that"

"Okay so I can't call you Mads, Mrs Barrett is off the table too what'd you wanna be called then chief bitch?" He snapped angrily talking quietly but through gritted teeth like it was taking everything in him to not yell in my face.

"You can call me names if you want to I don't care anymore Grayson  but just don't call me Mads like I still matter to you"

"You do matter to me " he implored in a softer and less angry tone like my words were sinking in and the pain he had caused me was hitting home at long last.

But that wasn't enough, I had way more important things to concern myself with than Grayson Barrett and his crisis of conscience.

"Well then I'd hate to see what you'd do to me if you hated me" I stated coldly walking out of the room to avoid this conversation getting anymore heated and risking saying something one of us would regret.

I knew he was behind me taking huge strides to catch up to me but I held my shoulders high and tried to head to the cafe for a coffee before the meeting. I was a bundle of nerves and all keyed up with anxious energy.

"I haven't finished talking to you yet" Grayson wrapped his hand around my wrist and swiftly pulled me by the arm into the nearest room he found. A fucking linen closet. He locked the door and leant against the door to guard it from me.

"I'd finished" I put my hands on my hips and exhaled deeply feeling frustrated, angry and overwhelmed by the close proximity of our bodies in this small closet.

"Well maybe this time you aren't getting the last word. I get that you are pissed at me for going to rehab right now. I get that the timing sucks but it's something I need to do. But I can't win with you. I didn't cheat on you, I never would just like I always said anyway. I made a huge mistake with the DNA test thing but I didn't want to lose you and Gracie because I love you both, the boys too. The four of you are my world" Grayson declared running his fingers through his hair in a sign that he was feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable with the topic.

"Grayson I'm scared you aren't coming back. The only way I can cope right now is to distance myself from being your wife. I know how much we mean to you, I really do but I can't help feeling uneasy about all of this. I love you so much but Hunter... damn it I love him too and I feel like I'm being torn in two and it hurts" I admitted closing my eyes for a second to recollect my composure.

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