I can't say goodbye

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‼️‼️please listen to the song as it really gives a great atmosphere for the conversation between Hunter and Mads. I'm not crying... you're crying 😢😢‼️‼️

Mads PoV

The three of us were sat in the kitchen of what soon would be our old house and although Grayson and Hunter has cleared the air I couldn't pretend there wasn't an awkwardness between Hunter and I.

I didn't want to acknowledge it because then I would have to face it and that meant talking to him about it. Having that conversation with Grayson in the room just felt weird. It wasn't that I wanted to keep anything from him, just the opposite in fact but having that conversation with Hunter meant several things; It meant I had to put my big girl panties on and face our issue head on, that required talking about what had gone on between us and our feelings, then inevitably that would lead to us saying a private  goodbye.

As much as I was positive deep down in my heart and soul I had made the right decision choosing Grayson it didn't mean my feelings for Hunter just evaporated into thin air.

I'd pushed them into a dark corner of my heart and locked them away where they'd stay buried until the day I died. I knew that a small part of me would always love him. But opening up the exact thing  I'd fought so hard to put away in the first place just seemed extremely counterproductive and messy.

It was selfish and immature of me but the honest truth was I just wanted to bury my head in the sand and pretend it wasn't happening. Being pissed off at him was probably the only thing that was holding me together right now that he was sitting at the table opposite me.

I was so lost in my thoughts I flinched at the sound of Grayson's chair scraping across the hardwood floor as he stood up. He noticed my not to subtle body movements and crouched down in front of me. I tried to avoid eye contact knowing how good he was at reading me but he gently grasped my chin and lifted my face to look him in the eye holding my head in place so I couldn't move before he got a good look at me. He frowned and I gulped knowing he ha gauged my thought process.

"Hey it's okay Mads. I don't expect you to pretend this doesn't hurt you baby" Grayson dropped his hand from my chin once he was happy he had my full attention then softly ran his fingertips up and down my thighs before settling them in my knees trying to sooth my unsettled mind. I relaxed under his light touches and leant in time rest my forehead against his.

"You're amazing did anyone ever tell you that?" It was odd how one minute I was hyper aware of Hunters presence and the next minute it was as if it was just Grayson and I in the room. Grayson had a way of being about to figure me out and lift me from sorrow before it even happened like some kind of magical power. He didn't mean to do it but all my focus would shift to him and him alone like I was the axis watching my world rotating around me. We truly were two pieces of a perfect puzzle.

"No they don't but I don't mind hearing you say it" he joked and gave me a chaste kiss on my lips before he stood back up to full height towering over me.,

"I think I'm gonna vomit" Hunter mocked us clutching his stomach and grimacing.

"I've got a radio interview to do in 10 minutes so I'll do it in my office. You two should clear the air and say what needs saying before it's too late. You'll both be angry with yourselves if you don't say goodbye. Think of Gracie if nothing else. She needs us all in the same page!" Grayson semi lectured us as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and began to head towards his office.

"Yes old wise one" Hunter called out to him chuckling when he heard Grayson from down the hallway tell him to fuck off before slamming his office door shut.

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