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⚠️ chapter song is 'ain't my fault by Zara Larsson' It definitely sets the scene for the second PoV section so I'd highly recommend you listening to it as you read⚠️

Mads PoV

Hunters truck was in the driveway and I was grateful that he would be able to give me a massive hug after that bizarre reunion lunch.

I walked out after the whole 'brain damaged ' insinuation and I didn't look back.

Grayson and I weren't there long but on the car ride home we had both noted that Lillian tended to target me far more than my siblings.

Even her comment to Miley about holding my hand for support was a barbed insult toward me. She was suggesting that I was weak and needed to draw strength from my big sister to get through the lunch.

What was sad was the situation Thomas, her husband was stuck in. I hadn't spent much time with him but he seemed like a genuinely nice person. He cane across as a lovely, kind, caring man which was what made me sad.

He was married to a completely fake version of Lillian, he probably didn't even know the real person at all.

"That was a quick lunch you text me less than an hour ago saying you just got there" Hunter commented checking his watch for the time as he put whatever sports show was on the tv on pause.

"It was a disaster" Grayson commented unbuttoning his black dress shirt as we climbed the stairs with Hunter close behind us.

"Do I need to kill anyone?" Hunter raised an eyebrow with a deadly serious look on his face.

"How's Gracie?" I sighed not wanting to really talk about what had just happened.

"Tired but okay. We may or may not have stayed up late and built a camp bed out of the sheets then read stories and ate candy. But she's fine, My mum and Max are enjoying having her all to themselves for the day. Your mum was there this morning then her and Elijah have taken the boys to the zoo with Jayden and Harlow then they are doing something else baby related" Hunter reeled off the kids day waving his hand around as he gestured the difference people and things that were going on.

He was so funny sometimes without even realising it and I couldn't help but let a tiny smile fly his way before I flipped back to my pissed off face.

"Sounds like the kids are having fun and I don't need to worry about them for a few hours" that was one thing that I could relax about for a little while even if a part of my brain was also thinking about my kids whenever they weren't with me.

I sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off my heels letting them fly towards the wardrobe and hit something causing a thud.

It felt good to let my frustrations out on something, although Lillians face would be far better.

"Okay someone has a rage issue" Hunter joked grabbing my shoes and putting them away in the right place like the neat freak he was.

"Gray can you unzip me?" I asked turning my back to a shirtless Grayson and lifting my hair out of the way into a messy bun in top of my head.

"I thought I was gonna rip this off of you?" Grayson pressed his body against my back and laid warm, wet kisses on the back of my neck leaving my with shivers shooting down my spine.

"I can't believe you said that"

"Said what?"Hunter frowned not following the conversation

"Lillian made a snide comment about Mads dress so I happened to say abit too loud that I liked it but I was going to rip it off of her later and fuck her brains out. Lillian wasn't impressed" Grayson explained the joke to his brother unzipping the dress for me at the same time.

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