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Mads PoV

Before I knew it I'd took several quick strides until I was toe and toe with Grayson breathing heavily with anger and staring up at him in absolute disbelief.

Then I heard a loud crack that echoed through the room and as Grayson's head recoiled backwards I realised it was from the impact of me slapping him around the face with all my strength. In fact it wasn't just strength but anger, pain and just a major case of Mads rage that I put into that slap.

Getting Grayson's head to fall back like that was enough for him to stumble slightly before he regained his footing and looked me down in his own disbelief.

In fact he didn't just look shocked, he almost seemed impressed.

Jesus he was fucked up because as he rubbed his red cheek he smirked and shook his head at me.

The cheeky bastard thought this was funny somehow, was he on drugs again? Because if he was I was going to murder him right here and now.

"That was pretty impressive babe" he chuckled finding it highly amusing that he'd pissed me off to the point that I lost my shit and smacked him around the face.

"Don't babe me you idiot" I snarled at him with what I could only imagine was a look close to having steam coming out of my ears. I shut the bedroom door and locked in knowing that my mum would burst in here all mama bear style the moment she heard even the slightest raised voice.

Plus it meant Grayson couldn't just walk off and escape this conversation because it was not over whether he liked it or not.

He was pushing me away and taking something out on me rather than face whatever it was head on.

I knew him better than I knew myself and right now Grayson had something on his mind and clearly it was eating away at his ability to think like a sane person. But we'd been through this shit before and we'd agreed to confront things together, to talk them through and come up with the best solution, together.

We did not agree to just act like crazy people.

"Sit your ass down on the bed right now and tell me what the hell is going on in your head. I am not going to have sex with Hunter. I don't want to have sex with Hunter. There's only one person I want to have sex with for the rest of my life but right now he is acting like a complete and utter prick" Gesturing to the bed I sat down myself and leant against the headboard watching as he sheepishly did the same.

Although I was turned to face him he just gazed ahead avoiding eye contact.

For a few minutes we sat in a silence that was heavy with anguish and worry, my anger faded as the seconds past and I began to become concerned what he was so stressed out about.

I knew the fight was a big thing and his brother was leaving but up until last night he'd been pretty cool, calm and collected about it all. So why the sudden 180??

"I could lose everything tonight" Grayson uttered so quietly I could barely hear him. He had his eyes shut and his fists were clenched so tightly his knuckles were white. I could feel a wash of pain rush over me that was coming from him. It was as if his pain was like water drowning him and it made me feel sick to imagine him feeling this way and him not coming to me to help him through it.

"I don't understand Gray" my hands itched to touch him, to reach out and comfort him but I didn't want to push him back into the bubble of whatever was bothering him.

"Tonight I could lose everything that I love. Tomorrow it could all be gone" he snapped his head to face me and I choked at the glassy, sad teary look in his eyes.

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