Lost without you

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I couldn't help but find the entire scene amusing. I shouldn't have found anything funny right now as today was a very serious day for Gracie but my nerves were shot and laughing felt like a breathe of fresh air rushing through my body.

I'd barely slept worrying about today but seeing Hunter in a hospital gown with his bare ass hanging out flashing everyone every time he moved whilst he grumbled about how much he hated needles was hilarious. The constant cute pout he worn finished things off perfectly as he scorned at me annoyed at how loud I was cackling at his behaviour.

But it was ridiculous, Hunter was nothing but muscle and his thigh was as nearly as big as my waist and he could destroy anyone and anything in his path but needles, this huge, tattooed beast was quaking in his hospital bed.

"Stop laughing at me" he snapped crankily as he adjusted the blankets over him on the bed.

"I'm sorry I know I shouldn't laugh but if I'm honest I'm freaking out inside so it was a nice distraction" I crawled onto the bed and snuggled up beside him and kissed his cheek as an apology.

"Plus getting to look at your ass was quite the treat" I purred in his ear so low that the nurses that were pottering around the room couldn't hear.

"I hate you" He shook his head and ran his hand over his face hiding the way his eyes had darkened and diluted at my words and the soft kisses I'd started to place on his neck as soon as the nurses left the room.

"No you don't" I sucked gently on the flesh below his ear and smirked into his skin as his hand gripped my thigh digging his nails into my flesh to maintain some form of self control.

"Jesus Mads don't do this to me. I cannot go into the operating theatre with a raging hard-on" Hunter groaned suggesting that the ship might have already past on that one.

"Yeh I strongly recommend against that" a familiar deep, smooth toned voice chuckled from the doorway.

I whipped my head to see who it was even though I already knew the answer. I would know that voice anyway. There was no mistaking the way it wrapped around me like velvet and warmed me from the inside out.

I practically jumped off of the bed and onto my feet. My mouth opening but no words coming out.

"Good to see you bro" Hunter smiled and the visitor walked in to the room and gave Hunter a quick hug before their eyes fell back on me boring into my skull like they were trying to read my mind.

"Hi" I squealed out awkwardly chewing the inside of my cheek nervously.


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"Hi.. how are you?" He said leaning down to kiss my cheek. Fuck he smelt so good. My mouth salivated and my pulse quickened as he lingered his soft lips on my skin a little longer than he needed to. Being this close to him made my brain overload and I felt dizzy like I was intoxicated by him all over again.

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