I've got you

280 17 41

Mads PoV

By the time we had got home, fed and bathed the boys they'd fell asleep in the middle of our bed and neither one of us had the urge to move them.

We barely slept at all and just laid in silence watching the rise and fall of their little chests and hanging off of their every breathe.

It was like our eyes had finally been opened to just how precious and small they were and letting them out of our sight even to sleep was just too much to bear.

My parents and Graysons mum had to be practically pushed out of the house or I think they'd of all camped out in our bedroom to do just the same.

We had all been scared to our very core yet again.

It was just another terrible thing to add to the long list of why this year has sucked. We seemed to be stuck on an endless cycle of shitty events and things hurting us all.

There didn't seem to be an end in sight either.

The only thing I didn't quite know was where or when the next hit would occur. All I could do was pray it wasn't the goal blow that destroyed us or me because I didn't know how much more I could take.

Things had began to take their toll on me and I didn't feel strong enough to withstand much more.

Grayson knew it too, I could tell by the concerned glances he'd give me when he thought I wasn't looking. He'd seemed distant too, preoccupied with his own thoughts and it was beginning to feel like everything was starting to unravel.


Preventing my sister from doing something she's extremely determined to do was pretty much like trying to stop a guard dog taking a chunk out of your ass when you trespassed. Pretty damn impossible!

So after 72 hours of staying away from checking on the twins not even Grayson could stop her from barging her way in the front door with my mum just chuckling loudly behind her bringing a sleeping Harlow in her car seat.

My brothers had boarded the first flights back home after our fall out but Miley has been persistently ringing and texting me desperately trying to mend things.

Gradually I'd given her more than a hi, Yeh we are good thanks u guys ok? Kind of conversation to a slightly more detailed one but things were still not the same as before.

I missed her dearly, she was my big sister and things had been really rough lately in multiple areas of my life and not having her to talk to and get advice from it even just a sisterly hug had been been horrible.

Plus seeing her outwit and out manoeuvre Grayson was hilarious, I wasn't sure what he muttered about her under his breathe but I knew it was not pleasant.

"Don't be grumpy Grayson- go make us ladies some coffee" my mum teased him as she put her handbag on the counter, placed Harlows car seat by the sofa and rushed down to the floor of the living room where Preston and Luke were playing.

Miley stood there gazing at the boys then me as if she was waiting for my permission to join them.

"Mil they won't bite...  actually thats a lie Luke is in a biting mood" I told her gesturing for her to go play with her nephews whilst realising how false my words were.

Luke had found it highly amusing earlier that morning when he attempted to bite Grayson shoulder. Grayson had yelped like a wounded puppy in shock then frowned at Luke who just grinned at him flashing his daddy's signature shit eating grin right back at him. Grayson recognised it and couldn't help but laughed proudly.

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