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We had set the entire friday aside for ourselves to go on a date just like old times and focus on rekindling our relationship without any lies and secrets casting shadows over us. No Hunter, just me and Grayson. My very sexy husband. But we'd also set some ground rules that we were going by -

No touching during the date.

That was proving to be more difficult than I'd thought it would be.

Grayson was being the biggest flirt ever and if he could put a sexual spin on something he would do so to the best of his ability.

He was trying to break me and so far I wasn't doing so well.

After my dream date to Il Cielo I had got swept up in the romance of the date and when Grayson went to kiss my cheek to say goodbye I had grabbed him by the shirt collar and shoved my tongue down his throat.

In fact as hard as he kissed me back it was him that pulled away and stopped things from progressing because after that insanely perfect date and several glasses of fine champagne I wasn't exactly thinking straight.

I had a one track mind and it was solely directed at Grayson.

He was a real gentleman about it and said he didn't want to do anything that I'd regret in the morning and that could halt the progress we'd been making in our relationship.

He was right aswell.

As lovely as a night of hot sex would have been it would have broken the rules I set in place and might have made things more complicated moving forward.

The rules were that we could hold hands, peck a kiss on the cheek or lips but nothing more.

I think looking back it was more of a dare to ourselves to rest our self control than a rule.

But at the time I was positive I could far through the day without wanting to jump Grayson's bones.

Now though, I wasn't so sure I had that kind of self restraint and if I was totally truthful I wasn't sure I wanted to hold back from him much longer.

I missed him from the moment he left until the minute he cane back. I know it was too much and I was being a needy, clingy lunatic but it felt like we were finally getting back to our old selves but just improved versions.

It was the little things I missed most. Going to sleep snuggled up next to him and waking up to see his handsome face beside me. Watching him giving the kids their breakfast and his laughing when they covered themselves in food while I had a mini meltdown about the mess.

Just him being around to talk to and have him make me laugh until my sides hurt and tears ran down my face.

The kids were staying with my parents until Sunday so we had nothing to rush home for and nobody to worry about.

Tomorrow was Emily's bachelorette party and Dylan's bachelor party and my parents ensured me that they would happily take care of the boys and spend time with Gracie at the hospital.

She was getting better fast and it was beginning to look like the battle was finally turning to our favour and we couldn't be more relieved.

I kissed my dad on the cheek and followed Grayson outside and towards his trusty, super expensive car.

His fourth baby. His pride and joy other than the kids. A top of the range, all custom kitted out Range Rover just like the one he had when we first dated. Only this one was newer and better.

He'd harped on abit the specifications a million times and each time they'd gone over my head but I knew one thing. I wanted to drive it. Only up until now Grayson refused to give my the keys. Being the control freak that he is he was not letting me take control of his baby. But today was going to be different.

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