That dress

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After the movies we decided to head to Santa Monica pier and go to Pacific park.

The park was alive with peoples voices, music blaring from the various fair rides and the roar of the ocean as the waves battered against the shore

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The park was alive with peoples voices, music blaring from the various fair rides and the roar of the ocean as the waves battered against the shore.

The sun was setting and the scenery looked mesmerising. It was times like this when life long cherished memories were made. As I gazed out at the sunset Grayson wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder watching the beautiful sight too.

"Is this ok?" He asked righting his grip slightly to highlight what he was referring to

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"Is this ok?" He asked righting his grip slightly to highlight what he was referring to.

"It's good, it's really nice actually" I meant against his hard chest loving the way his body warmed me up.

"I've missed this. Times like this when we are just ourselves, with no worries or cares in the world"

"Yeh me too, being an adult sucks sometimes" Grayson laughed and his warm breathe tickled against my ear.

"So are we just ignoring the fact it's your birthday tomorrow?" He enquired bringing you the topic I hoped he'd forgotten

"Umm no I just wanted to focus on Em and Dylan's that's all. Plus you've spoilt me this week already so I'm perfectly happy "

"Perfectly happy" Grayson raised his eyebrows questioning my words with amazement

"I'm serious, as far as me and you are concerned things are perfect so far"

"So how could I improve them even more?" He was asking a lot really considering all the great things he'd done for me lately.

"How about you get me some cotton candy and take me on the Pacific wheel and hold my hand??" That sounded cheesy as fuck but it was almost as cute as can be and that's exactly what I wanted.

"Goddess your wish is my command. Let's go find cotton candy then go on the wheel and make out like teenagers"

"Wow there Gray I didn't mention making out with anyone" jogging after him as he headed towards the food stalls I tried to protest but it was a crappy attempt really. There was zero effort put into my words so it sounded empty.

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