A dream

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Mads PoV

Grayson hadn't lied when he said he was going to show me multiple times that I was beautiful to him. He'd fucked me every way I could think of and we'd been up most of the night pleasuring one another and drowning within our love for each other.

I was exhausted and clearly I'd overslept because I was suddenly woken up by three little people bouncing all over the very expensive bed I had been sleeping in.

"Momma wake up wake up" Gracie yelled out excitedly her little blonde curls bouncing all over the place.

"Momma cuddle" Luke held out his hands and I pulled his little hands into my embrace and kissed his head and ruffled his soft brown hair. Him and Preston were actual little versions of Grayson. They had his hair, their eyes were replicas of their fathers and sometimes they'd pull a face that was so Grayson. It was freaky!! I wondered what this baby would look like, I hoped it would be a perfect mixture of both of us but as long as it was healthy that's all I cared about really. The anti nausea medication had been working wonders and I felt much better now I could eat without being sick.

"Morning baby, how about we let momma get dressed and then she can meet us downstairs" Grayson appeared in the doorway and smiled at the scene before him looking ridiculously handsome.

"Hey what time is our flight?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with one hand holding Luke in the other.

"Just get dressed in something warm okay, 20 minutes" Grayson ordered me and winked at the time frame he gave me. I blushed bright red knowing he was referring to the limo ride last night and what happened in those 20 minutes.

"Yes sir" I saluted him and noticed his eyes darkened at the way I said 'sir' I had made sure I practiced drawled out the word which effected him, which was exactly what I wanted to happen.

He wasn't the only one that could tease and he should know that by now!

"Let's go kids" Grayson called the kids and one by one they kissed me, we cuddled quickly and then they jumped off the bed and trailed off after their daddy leaving me in a brief moment of peace.

I showered quickly, brushed my teeth and rushed to get dressed curious as to what was going on.

My parents, Theo, Grayson and the kids were waiting by the front door all dressed in warm coats, hats and scarves and Grayson sweetly handed me mine before I pulled on my winter boots.

Just before I followed them out of the door Grayson stopped me and adjusted my hat kissing my on the lips with a smile.

"I love you"

"I love you too Gray" why was he acting so weirdly? I couldn't even put my finger on how he was acting oddly but he just was. Shaking off the feeling I took the gloved hand he held out and let him lead me outside.

It must have snowed hard last night because there was a deep blanket of snow on the ground and snowflakes were continuing to fall over us. The sky was pure white and nothing but snow could be seen.

"How are we gonna get home in this weather?" There was no way flights would be leaving New York anytime soon and it was Christmas Eve. This was like something out of a hallmark Christmas movie. Everything was back home, the children's presents, Our family was there. This was a disaster. I felt like crying.

"Could be worse sweetheart" my mum smiled softly at me taking this far to calmly for my liking.

"Could be worse? Mum everyone rise is back home? Miley, Jayden, Harlow, Cam, Nat, Tyler, Layla and the kids. Have you lost your mind, it's Christmas Day tomorrow" unable to carry on this conversation when my own mum didn't seem to care that most of our family was away from us at Christmas I stormed off around the side of the damn castle where Theo, my dad and the kids had gone . Why was this place so big and my legs so little?

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