Family part 2

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In order to make the afternoon prior to surgery go as well as possible Hunter and I had organised a princess tea party for Gracie in which us, Grandad, Grandma Rose, Aunty Miley, Uncle Jayden and babies Luke, Preston and Harlow would attend in our finest attire.

The hostess herself wore a beautiful lilac knee length tea dress that had shimmery glitter threads throughout the dress with lilac jewels across the bodice. Gracie has chosen a matching lilac silk headscarf that let one freshly growing tendril of blonde hair drop onto her forehead and sat in a perfect curl.

That tendril held so much promise, I couldn't stop staring as it grew day by day. It hung down towards her left eye like a lifeline offering me so much hope that she could get through this awful situation and be the healthy little girl having fun and playing with her friends again.

She was so happy today that her big blue eyes looked brighter than they had in a long time as she buzzed with excitement.

God did she look like Hunter when she smiled. Her eyes twinkled just like his did when he would laugh hard at the dumbest thing or when he had me flustered and blushing hard.

"Momma can I help feed Lulu and P today please?" Gracie questioned looking between her baby brothers in their buggy to me with wide,hopeful eyes.

"Sure baby but give them too much cake and they'll throw up everywhere so don't say I didn't warn you munchkin" I pointed out playfully stroking my cute baby girls cheek enjoying how as it blushed with happiness at the idea of helping me with her brothers. I knew how much she missed them so today was all about her bonding with them and us having fun as a family.

I just wished Grayson was here to see Gracie smile like that. He'd full of belly laugh at the sight of Gracie over feeding the twin babies cake until their little faces were a mess of sweet goodness and goofy grins.

Until they threw up and he had to help clean them up of course, then that laugh would disappear and his grin would become a taut pout of displeasure. I'd be the one laughing at that point!

"Urgh yuk" Gracie snorted screwing her little button nose up in disgust at the mere thought of that.

"Yep I agree boys are pretty yukky sometimes right sis?" I nodded looking over at my sister who was fiddling with the baby pink flower headband that kept slipping from Harlows head over her eye making her look like an adorable baby pirate.

"Yes that's why is girls gotta stick together and not let stinky boys boss us around or be mean!" Miley informed Gracie and Harlow despite Harlow being way to young to understand a single word and also half asleep in her mums arms.

"I totally resent that I am neither bossy or stinky thank you very much" Hunter countered sauntering onto the room like he'd just walked off of a GQ photo shoot. He worn a light grey pinstripe suit with a matching dress shirt but had matched his tie and pocket square to the exact material and shade of Gracies dress so they matched.

His blue eyes glimmered against the grey and lilac and he smiled a white toothy grin in my direction as his eyes raked my body from head to toe. He perched himself on the bed next to Gracie and kissed her forehead and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle before gazing up at me with a cheeky smile upon her little face.

"What?" I asked curiously darting my eyes between Hunter and our daughter not liking it one bit when they teamed up against me. Grayson did that too and I hated it even more now it was going to be 3 against 1.

I needed to get the baby boys on my side before the men pulled them to the dark side too.

"Daddy says you look bootiful momma" Gracie giggled trying to pronounce what I assumed was beautiful. But I gasped loudly looking at Hunter to see if he'd picked up on it. He looked totally sidelined so I could only assume he had.

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