Proof of our love

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Grayson PoV

Christmas was a week away. That meant I had my fight on the 23rd in New York and not only was I preparing for that, I was also working on a huge surprise. Quite possibility the biggest surprise I'd ever imagined let alone tried to pull off. To say I was stressed out was an understatement.

I was lucky enough to have some super sneaky, sly little elves helping me but I couldn't as still worried that things would go completely tits up and everything would be ruined.

Although I'd told Mads I was training late I was actually hauled up in the gyms managers office making what felt like a hundred stress filled but crucial phone calls.

If this was off by one tiny detail, if one small thing went wrong then all my hard work would be absolutely fucking ruined and that was not an option.

This had to go beyond perfectly and nothing less was good enough. I just refused to let it be fucked up or I think I'd lose my damn mind.

I could not, I would not mess this up. No fucking way!

Mads and the kids had done an amazing job of decorating our new house and covered from top to bottom in festive decorations in bright reds and rich golds it was really starting to feel like our home.

I pulled up in the driveway and walked in the front door expecting my usual greeting of being bombarded at all angles by my three beautiful children but the house was extremely quiet.

Usually the kids would be chatting away to each other and giggling or Gracie would be running around in a dressing up costume or pretending to gallop around in an invisible pony but it was so still and silent.

Mads car was in the driveway so it was unlikely she'd of gone out after dinner time unless she was with her family but usually she'd text me to tell me where she was, then I'd swing by and pick them up on my way home. It was just how we always did things.

I was beginning to get alittle got worried and I practically jogged around the downstairs of the house searching every corner of every room but there was no sign of them.

Most of the house was in pitch black but as I headed upstairs I noticed last dim light coming from underneath the door of the spare bedroom between Gracies and ours.

The door was shut but it was the only light on in the entire house.

My pulse was racing as I gripped the door handle almost scared to open it in case I found something awful behind it.

My fears weren't that irrational either because since my comeback we'd received several pieces of what the police referred to as 'hate mail' .

I knew in my line of work that some fans took things extremely personally and they would go to pretty crazy lengths to ensure that everybody knew who their favourite fighter was and that they seriously hated the rivals.

It was just a part of the territory and I didn't take much notice.

But that stupid idiot Tommy did an interview after I kicked his dumb ass and knocked him the fuck out in which he discussed the personal 'rivalry' between us.

He told the magazine that we had personal problems stemming from our long adversary trying to win the heart and love of my trainers youngest daughter.

He even made up some bullshit about Elijah only working with me because he was under contract and that it was well known he much Elijah wanted to train Tommy.

When Elijah has read it he actually had tears rolling down his eyes from how funny he found it. He hated, in fact he despised Tommy more than I do so he'd never work with him, even if you paid him 10 million a year.

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