Coming home

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🎶please listen to the sing as I really think it fits this chapter perfectly! 🎶

Hunter was waiting at the hospital entrance and after a quick greeting the three of us jogged to the doctors office which left me panting to catch my breathe by the time we arrived.

Grayson knocked and Dr King answered the door immediately and guided us inside her office.

There was a huge case file on her desk which I assumed was Gracies and so it was clear this wasn't going to be a brief update meeting like we'd had in the past.

"Dr King could you please just get down to whatever it is you called us here for. We are kinda freaking out" Hunter asked kindly but the way he looked over the desk made it clear he wasn't playing around.

"Very well. Gracie turns four soon doesn't she?" Dr King sat in the big black chair behind the desk and asked randomly. He knew the answer full well so why was that relevant?

"Yes she turns four next month why?" I asked sitting forward in my chair feeling anxious rolling through me like a steam train.

"It would be nice to have a party then wouldn't it?" Dr King rose his eyebrows

"In the hospital?" Grayson questioned with a frown

"Oh no I was thinking whatever you choose. Maybe you should ask her. I think she deserves a celebration. She's a fighter is little Gracie. Her latest test results have come back"

"And?" Just tell us for fucks sake I felt like screaming. Grayson held my hand and in a show of support I took Hunters hand too and squeezed it to let him know he wasn't alone.

"Gracie is in remission. Her blood counts are looking good.  She's going to need medication and routine check ups but if I was a betting man I'd say your daughter just won the battle of a lifetime" Dr King smiled looking proud of Gracies battling spirit. He looked almost as relieved as me. I burst out crying barely able to get over what he was saying.

"Say That again doc" Hunter asked looking pale and in absolute shock

"I'm saying Gracie is cancer free and fast heading towards complete recovery. She's ready to go home whenever you are ready" Dr King chuckled happily and watched as the three of us tried to process the information in our own ways.

Ten minutes later we all walked out of the office in a very different mood to the one we were in when we'd arrived. I pulled both Hunter and Grayson into a tight hug needing both of them to comfort me for just a few seconds.

We shared something so special that nothing could destroy.

We shared Gracie, our daughter and she was going to live a long healthy happy life and I felt like I was flying, I was so inexplicably overjoyed.

Grayson had gone to see Gracie and left Hunter and I to talk things over more knowing that Gracie being better meant he was leaving

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Grayson had gone to see Gracie and left Hunter and I to talk things over more knowing that Gracie being better meant he was leaving. Grayson knew there were some things that needed to be said before Hunter left for good.

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