Nurse Mads

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Once we were dressed again we held each other and Greyson placed a chaste kiss on my lips before leaning back to look at me.

"Hunter needs us. We can talk tomorrow" he said smiling happily

"Are you sure?" I chewed the inside of my cheek anxiously totally unsure of whether Grayson was just trying to do the right thing or he actually meant it.

"Let's go see him" He linked his fingers through mine and pulled me out of the closet and down to Hunters room. We arrived just as he was being pushed into the room on his bed. He looked pale and half asleep but he smiled when he saw us sit beside him.

"Hey gorgeous" Hunter crocked out with a dry throat. I reached for the cup of water and straw that the nurse had placed on the side table and gently placed the straw in his mouth.

"Here take some small sips" I hated seeing him like this. He looked vulnerable and I wanted nothing more than to snuggle into the bed against his body and rest my head on his chest. But I didn't want to hurt him.

"How is Gracie?" He asked typically worrying about everyone but himself

"She's good she's started the transplant and she's glad you are okay" Grayson informed his twin looking over him as if he was searching to check if he was truly okay.

"How are you feeling?" My fingers ran gently over his cropped hair enjoying the way he nestled his face into my touch.

"I'm good baby" he lied wincing as he tried to pull himself to sit up. I shift my hand out onto his chest and forced him to keep laying down to rest.

"The nurse said I can go home once I'm on my feet. Grayson can you ring Dylan and get him to come get me?" Hunter asked

"There's no need. You are coming home with us. I'll look after you" I informed him noting the huge grin that spread over his face at the thought of having me at his beck and call.

"Nurse Mads huh? What kind of services do you offer as my carer?"there was the Hunter I loved. His cheeky, sexual energy lit him up like a Christmas tree and his face looked much more like his usual tanned healthy glow.

"That depends on if you are a good boy or not"

"Fuck" Hunter groaned frowning at the dirty thoughts that were most likely to be flowing through his head at this point.

"So if gets the nurse treatment where does that leave me?" Grayson cocked his head to one side and lucked his lips sensually. All I could focus on with his mouth and what talents it held.

"I'm nurse, Hunters the patient and you are the doctor"

"So that means I can bend you over and fuck you while you tend to the patient then?" Grayson bent me over the bed pushing my face into Hunters groin as he pushed his hips against my ass in a demonstration of what he desired. I clenched my thighs together barely able to resist begging him to do it right here and now.

"Jesus Christ" I muttered feeling Grayson's dick harden against my butt whilst Hunters pushed hard against my face.


Gracie was in a deep sleep exhausted after a long day and Miley promised to stay with her whilst Grayson and I cared for Hunter.

We barely got in the front door before hands were touching my body and making my knees feel weak.

"Uh uh uh you need to go to bed right now Hunter" I fought my way free of the roaming hands and ordered him upstairs. He just grinned widely flashing his perfect teeth at me.

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