Fight for love

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Grayson PoV

Now Hunter was here there was no turning back. The entire family was here and the kids were occupied with their presents so I knew it was time to pull Mads away for a little while. She'd gone to have a shower and get dressed so I planned on getting her once she was dressed and I could talk to her.

I didn't usually get nervous but right now as I had my hand on the bedroom door knob I felt butterflies in my stomach and my heart was racing.

I walked in and Mads was dressed in a cute red dress that sat mid thigh and had short sleeves and a mid cut neckline there showed just enough of her cleavage to make my mouth water and my brain imagine my lips biting into her flesh. She'd curled her hair into soft waves which flowed down her back and she took my breathe away when she noticed me staring and approached me, stood up on her tiptoes and kissed my lips softly.

"Hey... are you okay?"?she stroked my cheeks clearly noticing my odd mood.

"I'm not sure. Can we take a walk?" I grabbed her hand and linked my fingers through hers needing the feeling that she was close and connected to me to sooth my worries.

"Of course. Where are we going?" She enquired as curious as ever.

"I wanna show you something. This place is unreal I was exploring last night and it's so beautiful" It wasn't exactly easy to get anything past Mads so I had to come up with a half decent excuse to get her to follow me and not keep quizzing me on things.

"It's incredible isn't it?" Mads gasped gazing around at all of the stunning architecture and artwork on display through the vast corridors and rooms.

After walking for a good ten minutes the noise from the family was now just a faint noise in the distance.

As I clutched the particular doorknob I took a deep breathe before opening the door and guiding Mads inside.

I turned her to see what I wanted her to see and exhaled that's breath I'd held onto knowing that there was no turning back now. This was it. All of the plans I had made might be wasted and I could have totally misread things. But I prayed to god I hadn't.

After staring at the display I'd made for at least a minute Mads turned back to me with a pale expression and an open mouth.

"what is this??" She uttered after opening and closing her mouth gang a dozen times trying to get words out with no luck.

"It is what it says" I gestured for her to look again as my heart pounded hard in my chest.

Mads PoV

Grayson had led me through the huge castle building to a much quieter area and taken me in a big room. He seemed to be acting weird and I had no idea what was going on with him but I figured maybe he was just glad that his plans for the big family festivities had worked out perfectly.

But then there was a beautiful, breathtaking display he turned me to look at. I stared at it trying to comprehend what was going on. I tried to speak but nothing would come out.

"What is this?" I squeaked out eventually unsure what was going on.

"It is what it says" he chuckled and gestured for me to take in the display again. My eyes took in every detail before I span around to face him only to find he wasn't standing behind me anymore. He was down on one knee holding out an open ring box.

My heart actually stopped.

"Marry me Mads? Marry me today, right here and let me give you the wedding you dreamt about as a kid" Grayson asked, no pleaded with nothing but truth in his gaze. His beautiful perfect blue eyes beamed the pure love he felt. It radiates from his body and wrapped around me like a comforting security blanket. Tears fell freely down my cheeks as I felt his emotions pour into me.

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