Il Cielo

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I felt the car stop and the engine turned off followed h a door shutting which I guessed was Grayson's because shortly afterwards mine opened and his sexy cologne invaded my senses.

"Keep them closed baby but let me help you out if the car" Grayson's sleek black sports car was far lower than his Range Rover but getting out of a low vehicle in heels and a tight dress with your eyes closed was no easy task so I was glad when he guided me out of the car making sure I didn't hit my head on the roof.

"Thanks. Can you just grab my purse"

"Here you go. Just take my arm and follow me" Grayson past me my handbag and locked the car with a beep of the alarm before taking me towards our destination.

After a few minutes of walking we stopped and the butterflies in my stomach intensified with excitement and intrigue.

I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped to the floor.l as I took in the sight before me. It was one of the prettiest, most romantic restaurants I'd ever seen and I'd dreamt of going on a date here. But it had always been a fantasy because people like me don't go to places like this. Celebrities, ultra rich people go to places like this. I'd shown Grayson photos of this restaurant and bored him with their Instagram feed swooning over the pretty decor and the romantic vibes that it exuded.

At the time he had barely seemed to feign even the slightest bit of interest in it but how else would he have known about this place

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At the time he had barely seemed to feign even the slightest bit of interest in it but how else would he have known about this place.

It wasn't exactly an everyday restaurant that everyone talked about and recommended. So how did he know?

"Is this a joke?" I narrowed my eyes and screwed my nose up looking between the restaurant and Grayson who looked highly amused by the shocked expression I no doubt it had on my face right about now.

"Let's find out huh?" He smirked and held out a hand which I begrudgingly took still not quite understanding what was going on.

We approached the entrance and immediately a little tanned man in his late fifties with wavy greying hair came rushing up to us looking like he was greeting old friends.

"Grayson it's so good to see you and you brought a lady friend with you how perfect" the man flattered me taking my free hand and kissing it softly before shaking Grayson's hand as if they were old friends.

"Good to see you again too thanks for doing this for me man I owe you big time

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"Good to see you again too thanks for doing this for me man I owe you big time. Marco this is my wife Madison, Mads this is Marco" Grayson clearly had a friendship with Marco which was weird because I'd never heard of him before.

"How did a brute like him manage to capture such a beauty like you Madison?" Marco quipped winking at me and earning a low grunt of disapproval from Grayson who held onto my hand so tightly it was as though he expected me to run off into the sunset with Marco.

"Let me show you to your table" Marco tutted at Grayson's behaviour before leading us to our table. It was odd because the restaurant was empty with not another soul in sight. It was just the two of us in this place. Surely Grayson hadn't arranged that had he?

"This is perfect Marco you are a legend. Thanks again" Grayson seemed really pleased with whatever plan he had with Marco as we got to our table and took in the gorgeousness of it all. This was just amazing and I was in awe of it all. I was in awe of Grayson.

"Champagne?" Marco offered lifting an expensive looking bottle of champagne out of the ice bucket next to our table

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"Champagne?" Marco offered lifting an expensive looking bottle of champagne out of the ice bucket next to our table.

"I'm driving so I'll stick to water but do you want some Mads?"

"I'd love some thank you" it wasn't everyday you got offered such high end champagne so I wasn't going to turn it down.

"The chef is preparing your food as we speak so relax and we won't keep you waiting long" Marco explained before nodding his head towards us and leaving us . It sounded like the food choices had been made already which had me even more curious than I was already so I took a large sip of the crisp, cool drink to ease my nerves.

"Gray I have questions" once we were sorted and alone I spoke on a quiet voice despite us being the only ones here. I was scared people were going to suddenly jump out of the bushes and scare me to death. Where was everybody?

"Don't you always baby. Go ahead" he teased me playfully

"Okay- why are we here? How'd you remember this place? How'd you get a table at such short notice? Why is our food being cooked already ? How'd you know Marco and where are the other customers?" I blurted out in one long breathe not wanting to miss anything out if I had gone the high them one by one.

"Jesus Christ Mads don't hold back will you? I remember this place because you always talked about it and said it was a dream of yours to come here so if I was bringing you here I was going to make sure we had the whole place to ourselves. I arranged our favourite foods to be made and Marco was my dads friend, they grew up together so I pulled some favours when I found out he works here" Grayson chuckled as he answered my questions with ease and found my shock rather humorous.

"You remembered?" Is all I could focus on. All those times I thought he wasn't paying attention he was taking in every little detail.

"I remembered" he nodded smiling, reaching across the table to take my hand. As our hands entwined sparks rushed through our skin and it was as though our love was strengthening and pulling us closer together than we'd ever been.

Grayson has been listening to me.

He always listened.

He always remembered.

My heart swelled as his love enveloped my entire being.

I felt so happy it was like I could float high up into the air and Grayson would be there anchoring me safely to the ground.

He was always there to keep me safe, to ensure I was loved and happy.

He was always everything I had ever dreamt of. He always would be.

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