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Hunter PoV

Today was a good day. My younger brother was getting married to the love of his life. All of our family and friends were gathered here to celebrate alongside him and more important than any of that, Gracie was finally well enough to leave the hospital for a few hours to be flower girl.

Jesus was she the prettiest little precious girl in the whole entire world. I loved her with everything I had.

She was the best thing I'd ever accomplished and she always would be.

I couldn't quite believe it when Mads had called me to let me know a few days ago and although there was little more we talked about at least she'd had to kindness to tell me.

Yes I was Gracies biological father but truth be told Grayson has been there since day one and the bond between them was incredibly strong.

I only had myself to blame too because I had known he'd faked the dna test that said her was her birth dad but I didn't do anything about it.

At the time being Gracies dad meant being more involved in Mads life and after she married Grayson despite me begging her not to, pleading for her to choose me, I wasn't in the right headspace to be anywhere near Mads if I didn't have to.

Being in her life as Gracies dad would have been torture. It was selfish but it was self preservation.

Not that now was much different because Mads had chosen Grayson over me yet again and deep down I always knew she'd choose him over me, every damn time.

Perhaps things would have been different if I'd for been with her first like we had planned and Tommy hadn't gotten in the way. She wouldn't have got hurt that way either.

I couldn't turn the clock back and change it no matter how much I wished I could.

I guess I could fight harder for her love and not walk away in surrender.

But Grayson would always be a part of her life due to the twins anyway and they had a bond so strong that there was nothing that they could do to each other that could break it.

Mads and I didn't have that kind of bond, Our relationship has been based on friendship and we'd fucked that up royally.

What was even worse was that I'd done that to my own brother. Grayson was my twin brother and he had always been the one to look out for us as a family after our dad died.

He'd taken on the role as a father figure when mum fell apart due to her grief. I don't think I'd ever thanked him for all that he did for me and Dylan.

What I did do is cross the line a thousand times over and get involved, deeply involved with his girl.

His wife.

He must have hated every second Mads and I were together, he must have felt crushed every time  I touched her, but he did it for her. Because she wanted me so he just let her have me.

That's how much he loves her.

But would he of let any other guy touch her or was it because it was me, his brother who he spent most of his life doing anything for.

Was my happiness more important than his own??

"How have you been?" Grayson asked me watching me over the rim of his glass.


"Really cos you look like shit" He chuckled sipping on his bourbon.

"Charming bro. Honestly? I've been better, way better. But seeing Gracie today has cheered me up" I admitted knowing there was no chance I could lie to Grayson.

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