Wish come true ♥️

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Grayson PoV

Mads and the kids stirred from their slumber as the limo slowed down and stopped. Rose was dealing with the kids who were immediately jumping out of their car seats and trying to escape the vehicle before the door was open.

Mads eyes widened to saucers when her door opened and she saw our destination. Her mouth opened and shit several times but no words came out as the shock of it left her speechless.

"Daddy it's a snowy castle" Gracie gasped in absolute awe as I helped her out of the car and lifted her into my arms.

"Isn't it beautiful" The place was amazing but nothing could even come close to beating the massive smile on my daughters face.

"It's just like I wished for" Gracie realised remembering what she'd told me after she'd blown out her birthday candles. She had wished to visit a snow covered beautiful castle and here it was. A wish come true for my princess.

"Momma momma look it's like a wished for. A big snowy castle" Gracie beamed brightly bouncing in my arms.

"You wished for this on your birthday?" Mads asked excitedly as she looked between me and Gracie trying to figure out what had happened.

"Yes with the candles and I only told daddy" Gracie explained before kissing my cheek softly.

"Looks like your wish came true huh? How crazy is that? Do you like it Gracie?" I hoped she liked it because I'd tried so hard to figure out how to make her wish come true.

"It's amazing I love it daddy.. so much" Gracies grin met ear to ear and her little blue eyes twinkled with happiness. It melted my heart to see her so happy knowing I'd helped make her feel that way.

"It is amazing" Mads agreed checking out the wide expanse of the building and the surrounding grounds.

"Afternoon everyone" A deep voice chuckled from ahead of us and as the figure came into view Mads covered her mouth in sheer surprise.

"Oh my god Theo" Mads cried out and trudged through the soft snow to reach him throwing her arms around him once they met.

"Maddie, I've missed you" Theo hugged her and kissed both of her cheeks before pulling back to take her in.

"I'm missed you too. Why didn't you tell me you'd moved... to a friggering castle no less!" it was obvious Mads was overwhelmed by this place and I had to admit it was pretty insane to know that Theo lived here. This place truly was a castle.

"Well I don't like to brag" Theo laughed lightly shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly

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"Well I don't like to brag" Theo laughed lightly shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. Over the years I'd come to like the guy. He never flaunted his wealth and he worked damned hard to get to where he was. Although he had family money too he had made his own place in the business world and I respected that big time.

"Good to see you man, thanks again for this" Theo has been helping me out with this surprise and I couldn't have pulled it off without him.

"Anything for my favourite little girl. Can uncle Theo get a cuddle?" Theo nodded and held his arms out wide to Gracie who practically jumped from me to him.

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