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Mads PoV

There were still fans lingering outside the arena so Grayson had to sign some autographs and take photos with them before we made it to his car.
He opened the passenger door for me and raked his eyes over my body which was still covered by a huge hoodie. But from the lustful look in his eyes I knew he was thinking about what was underneath my disguise.

I jumped into the car and clamped my legs shut trying to maintain the last shreds of decency I had.

I knew it wouldn't be long before I had no control over anything so the excitement aswell as a sliver of nervousness was already beginning to swirl around in my body making me feel slightly dizzy and hot.

Jesus this hoodie was making me overheat but I had planned on Grayson being the one to remove it and find what was underneath so I fiddled with my fingers and focused on the hum of the engine as we began to drive away.

It wasn't long before we approached the block where the gym was. But Grayson suddenly pulled over and turned to look at me.

"I have a surprise so I am gonna need you to put this on please" he requested with a wink as he handed me a blindfold or a sleep mask type thing.

"Seriously?" I scoffed gazing down at the mask in my hand.

"Deadly" Grayson's deep voice made my pussy clench just with the power behind that one word.

"Fine" Grayson pulled away again once I'd reluctantly put the mask over my eyes leaving me completely blind to the world which was slightly alarming whilst in a moving car.

A minute or two I felt the car stop and the engine turned off. I heard Graysons seatbelt click off then he undid mine too and I slid my arms through it.

"I'll come round and help you" Grayson advised as he got out of the car and quickly appeared on my side of the car with the door open.

The sudden rush of cold air went right up my dress and felt like a refreshing cool breeze to fan the fires that were burning between my legs.

Grayson took my hand and guided me out of the car shutting the door behind me. He led me a few steps around to the front of the car and we paused leaning against the warm grill of the engine.

He didn't say anything for a minute then he let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Before I show you I need to explain it. I did this for me. For us. For the kids. I won't be able to fight forever and I need to support my family" he explained passionately and I tried to focus on his words and not the way his breathe tickled the exposed skin of my neck.

"Okay... just show me Gray" My mind was all over the place as I tried to work out what on earth he'd been up to and why it was such a big secret. Then he removed the blindfold.

"I knew we were coming here" it was just the gym. Nothing was different or out of place. I shrugged and cleaned my neck around to see if he was playing a prank on me.

"Mads... look up there" I followed the direction to where he was pointing and gasped loudly. The huge sign that used to say Franklin Gym now said Barrett Franklin Gym. What the hell? I didn't understand.

"What? How? I don't -" he saw me struggling to comprehend what was going on and he softly placed his finger in my lips to silence me.

"Your dad couldn't handle all of the gyms now the business has expanded so much" Grayson beamed proudly making it sound so simple. Yet i was still lost.

"So you bought into the gym?" Frowning as I tried to count up I wondered if my mum had known about this. Of course she'd known. My dad would never gave made a decision like that without consulting her first. But what about Tyler, as my eldest brother surely the business would go to him??!

"No I didn't buy into it... we did. Me and you. Tyler isn't interested in the gyms other than working there when it suits him. Cam and Nat have their own careers. This gives the kids security in the future. This gives us security" Grayson had clearly really thought this through before investing and my dad would never have gone into business with him unless he was sure if it.

"So this is what you and dad kept going off to talk about?"

"Yes it was. This wasn't just a spare of the moment thing. We both consulted our business managers and made sure it was a good move for both of us and the gyms. My dad would be so happy" his smile turned to a sad one as he mentioned his dad. My heart ached for him. I rested my hands over his on my stomach and hoped he felt some comfort from it.

"Here come sit" Grayson lifted me into the hood of his car and he lent against me as we both stared up at the sign. It truly was a new beginning for us all. Everything was changing and it was like a set of dominoes when one thing after another was changing.

My old life was crashing down around me and although I was really looking forward to the fresh start it felt sad to be leaving my old life which was weird considering the last five or six years had been filled with more awful experiences than most people suffer in a lifetime.

It was a miracle I was still standing really. How I hadn't completely fallen apart was beyond me at this point.

Perhaps it was Grayson and Hunter that had fixed me up and glued me back together piece by piece until I was whole again. Maybe that was why I felt like a piece of me was missing from the moment I knew a Hunter had left without even saying one last goodbye.

"You're quiet" Grayson commented tucking a stray wave of hair behind my ear then cupping my cheek.

"Sorry I was just taking it all in. You own part of the business, it's amazing congratulations" something stopped me from telling him that I was upset about Hunter. I didn't want to hurt him anymore than I already had and quite frankly, he deserved better.

"We own part baby, in fact we are the major shareholders. 60 40 was the deal your dad put in the table!" Grayson Barrett ; the businessman was a new look on him but it suited him well. He seemed to really have researched what he was doing and if my dad made that offer then it must be a great thing.

I knew tonight was going to be intense but this detour on the rollercoaster Grayson had placed me in earlier was truly great for him, for us as a family and the kids would have financial security in the future.

He was a fantastic husband and father and now a businessman. I admired him so much but right now I needed something more from him.
I needed him to make me stop thinking. Thinking was too stressful.

"Gray" I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him into me so that his groin was flush with my bare core.

"Fuck"Grayson groaned as I rubbed my hand over his jeans and carressed his dick. I carried on my assault on him and was so busy getting my hand down his jeans so I could touch him skin to skin that I didn't see him move his own hand until two long fingers pushed into my wet pussy and curled them over my g-spot.

"Oh Jesus Christ" Feeling super sensitive from the earlier antics aswell as the cold air that was nipping at my skin I arched my back pushing myself further into him.

It was almost midnight and the streets were empty apart from a car driving passed every now and again. But it was thrilling knowing that any moment we could be caught touching each other.

I knew this was just the start of a night I wouldn't forget and I could barely contain my excitement!

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