Changes and lose

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I don't know whether I was more embarrassed that my siblings had heard us having sex or angry that they'd said sweet fuck all when our lovely birth mother berated me in front of them.

Maybe equal parts of each was bubbling inside of me as I stormed downstairs once I was showered and dressed and not all sexed out.

"Hey" Miley said quietly as she saw me join them in my living room staring between them all who looks like timid cowardly sheep before me. Even my big brothers looked oddly weak and pathetic.

"How was lunch?" I sneered sarcastically

"We left after you did. We tried to catch up but you'd already left Madison" Tyler called me by my full name as if that would get my fullest attention.

"Good for you Ty... good for you" What'd he want, a medal. Big brother of the year award for staying silent whilst our bio mum was evil to me.

"Don't be like that" Nat chimed in backing up Tyler like he always did.

"Go home Nat. All of you go home to your families and your lives. You aren't needed here any more"

"Maddie please don't be so harsh. It was a tricky situation" Miley pleases looking at me with sad, regretful eyes.

"It's always a tricky situation with her. Just go, all of you. I have far more important things to focus on than your guilt" it was true. I did have way more things to worry about and they were all adults.

"Madison" Tyler tried to get me to calm down by taking like her was my dad. He wasn't.

"You heard her. Time to go" Grayson opened the front door and gestured them toward it and held it open as one by one they left giving me sorrowful gazed as they passed by.

Once they were home Grayson slammed the door shut and took me in his strong arms. He didn't say anything, he never needed to say anything. He always knew exactly what to do and what I needed without words.

An entire week past and I hasn't answered one text or phone call from any of my siblings.

I wasn't ready for that conversation.

I was too focused on my own family.

Grayson had decided to intensify his training again which was doing wonders for his self confidence and happiness.

I didn't get to see him as much because when he wasn't training he was either with the twins or at the hospital with Gracie but seeing him so happy made something inside me felt all warm and joyful

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I didn't get to see him as much because when he wasn't training he was either with the twins or at the hospital with Gracie but seeing him so happy made something inside me felt all warm and joyful.

But we weren't without our private moments. Hell no, just the opposite in fact.

Every morning we'd get up before the boys woke up and enjoy each other in the shower having the hottest sex of our lives every single day without fail. The morning sex was hot, rough and primal.

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