Authors note

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Firstly I want to say a huge thank you for every single of you that stuck with the two books.

Thank you to every reader that grew to love the characters and the stories behind their relationships.

It has meant the absolute world to me to know that people actual read these books, let alone enjoyed them- that blows my mind!!

So I'd like to formally announce that there will be a third book in this series coming soon.

'Fight for love- Hunt for Happiness' will focus on Hunters new life and his hunt to find happiness and true love. I hope that you will love that story just as much as the last two in the series.

I'm really sad that this is the end of the road for Mads and Grayson's story but perhaps they will pop up in Hunters story at some point! I just love them so much!

Love you guys so much, thanks again!! ♥️♥️

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