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Mads PoV

Grayson kissed my lips softly and eased me down from his car hood with a twinkle in his eye that meant trouble. But a really hot, sexy kind of trouble.

"Time for this to go back on" Grayson quipped licking his lips and holding up the blindfold.

"Gray" My voice came out quietly but he sensed what I was trying to convey to him straight away and he cupped my face in his hands and eased my face up so h could look him in the eyes.

"Mads you can trust me... you know that. I'd never do anything to hurt you or that I know you wouldn't like it want. That you don't need. But we won't do anything you aren't 100% comfortable with...ever" there was such passion and conviction in his voice that it left me breathless. I could see that every word was true. That he would never do anything to hurt me.

"Okay" Feeling more confident the moment he looked at me with such a  power yet caring gaze I felt ready. I knew I wanted this. Hell no I need it.

"Are you sure because the moment we step inside only your safe word can stop this happening. Once you say it it's all over and we go home and back to normal Gray and Mads yeh... no regrets no guilt nothing okay? " he cocked his head to one side as if he was analysing me from every angle to ensure I was sure of what I was getting into.

I nodded my head as my libido started to kick in and my throat felt dry and hoarse. Thick with anticipation. My core was slick with the promise of all the wicked things that were to come.

"I need words Mads" he reminded me knowing that it was important to give verbal consent to these types of situations to remove any problems later on, even between a couple.

It had been known to happen where one person, often the one in charge had done something without full consent and the participant had then held it against them in some way, shape or form.

"I understand. I know what I'm agreeing to Grayson" assuring him with as much confidence as I could muster I smiled brightly as I buzzed with nervous energy and keen to get inside and start our adventure.

"Tell me your safe word" Grayson demanded firmly clearly fighting to contain his darker side inside for just a few more minutes.

"Daisies" god I hated fucking daisies. Stupid damn things. There was no way I was going to forget them was I?? plus Grayson was well aware of my strange hatred for the innocent little flowers so it was actually a great word to use. He often teased me about my over the top reaction to them.

"Very good" he kissed my forehead like he was rewarding me for getting that answer right before he slipped on the blindfold.

I tapped my fingers against Grayson's forearm as I waited for him to unlock the gym door and turn off the security alarms. Then I had a thought and gasped wondering if Grayson had thought to take care of that area of things. I wasn't suppose to speak unless spoken to but this was important so I dug my nails until his arm to get his attention.

"What the hell?" He hissed spinning his head around to look at me through narrowed eyes.

I nodded my head upwards gesturing towards the comprehensive security camera system my dad had within the gym.

"All off already" Grayson chuckled once he realised what I was referring to. I relaxed against his side feeling like I could truly stop thinking now I was positive he had thought of everything before he'd brought me here.

Grayson led me into the main part of the gym and rested my hands on the edge of the boxing ring holding onto a rope in order to give me a good sense of where I was.

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