The Chapel -part two 💋

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Hunter PoV

The rest of the afternoon was pretty crap. I tried to fake a smile but Mads couldn't even bring herself to look at me let alone allow me to hell her with Gracie or the boys. She wouldn't even speak to me and even though I had a good idea what was wrong with her her behaviour still hurt me.

I hated the way she could hurt me. Madison Skylar Franklin, Barrett whatever she was going by this week had the unique ability to make me feel like I was walking on fucking fluffy clouds or dragging myself through the gates of hell.

She was the one person in this world that could affect me so strongly.

She was the one person I allowed to affect me that way I guess.

But I loved her so much it was like she didn't get it or she was just playing plain dumb about it because she either didn't care or she just loved Grayson way more.

But she didn't know what I'd done for her. What lengths I'd happily go to in order to keep her and the kids safe. Her Gracie and the boys were my future, I knew it deep down in the pit of my gut I knew it. I just wish she could see it too.

But my patience was wearing thin right now.

I had always planned on staying to say goodnight to Gracie and tucking her in with a bedtime story and then Mads and I were going home together as I was now staying there keeping her company and warm at night.

But one story had turned into ten stories and when Mads went to help her parents to the car to take the twins home for her she just didn't come back.

I knew she hadn't of gone far, she'd never go without kissing Gracies goodnight but Gracie was fast asleep and Mads still hadn't come back.

I fired a quick text to Miley asking if she had any clue of where she might be and she told to me to try the hospital chapel.

I asked one of the nurses for directions to the chapel and was rather taken aback when I got abit more than I'd been expecting. Not only did she give me very clear instructions she also winked and slipped me a piece of paper which had her name and phone number on it.

Maybe in another universe I'd have been intrigued to find out what was lying beneath that nurses uniform but now any woman that wasn't Mads just didn't even raise my curiosity.

I just didn't give two fucks but I held onto it wondering if it might play to my advantage once I tracked down my goal.

My fucking absolute endgame in this life and the next.

Probably my lives before this one too if you believe in that. Mads, it was always going to be her.

I found the small chapel door that looked just like every other dark wood door in this hell hole and I entered it and flicked the door locked behind me in no mood for anybody else interrupting the conversation I needed to have.

The place surprised me. It was more like a tiny replica old church crammed into one large hospital room than I'd thought it was going to be.

I thought it was just going to be a few office chairs lined up with a few crosses and bibles laid about the place but this has real stain glass windows that lit up under the moonlight and a small alter at the front.

Small pews made out of old looking dark oak wood that sat maybe 4 or 5 people were split into two columns each with 4 pews.

It was actually quite peaceful and I could see why people came here to seek some sort of guidance or just a place to get away from the medicinal sterile environment of the rest of this place.

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