This is weird!

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Mads PoV

Grayson and I walked into my parents house soaking wet but with big smiles on our faces. I hadn't felt this calm and content in a long time and it was amazing to feel this way. That was until I saw my mum standing in the doorway that led to the kitchen sipping her hot chocolate and looking at us with a knowing grin on her face.

"Grayson I've made up the spare bed and put a fresh set of clothes out from your training line. Give Maddie your wet clothes and she'll put them in the dryer" Mum instructed firmly with little room to argue even though I was abit confused.

Grayson had a range of sports wear that he and his team wore to promote himself and people could buy it at fights or from an online shop that Miles had set up.

My dad always had boxes of it here so it was handy that Grayson had dry clothing to change into. It was typical of my mum to have every detail organised like that.

"Umm okay if you don't mind me staying?" Grayson looked between me and mum clearly feeling rather awkward and just as confused as I was.

"Elijah wants to talk to you in his office once you are changed. This way you can see the boys as soon as they wake up and spend some time with them"

As nice a gesture as that was I had a suspicion that this was more to do with whatever my dad needed to discuss with him than my mum meddling in our relationship and family matters.

I hoped my mum would stick around and tell me what was going on but she gestured for me to go show Grayson to the spare room so I did just that feeling like a nervous teenager whose boyfriend was sleeping over but was vanished to the spare room. It was weird to say the least.

Grayson followed me into the spare room that was next to my bedroom and opposite Mileys old room where the boys were fast asleep. Once he was inside he shut the door slowly to make sure he didn't wake up the boys then friends at me looking like he was expecting me to explain what was going on.

"What's going on?" He whispered kicking his trainers off into the corner of the room.

"I have no idea but this is really weird!" I shrugged then for some dumb reason I felt the need to covered my eyes when Grayson began to strip off the rest of his clothes.

"You cannot be serious? My dick was balls deep in your pussy 20 minutes ago and now you're covering your eyes?" He chuckled finding this odd situation far more amusing than me.

I always knew he mentioned our sexual activity in graphic detail like that just to make me blush and to probably try to turn me on again.

That was obviously not going to happen after we set our whole dating boundaries rules.

I was definitely not imagining my tongue running over the taut ridges of his abs or how his fingers could make me soaking wet within seconds of his touching me.

No I was not turned on at all. I did need to get out of this enclosed space soon though. It was very hot in here.

"Just pass me your wet clothes and shut up you idiot" trying to seem unaffected by him was one of the most difficult things I ever did. He knew it too because he just flashed me that pantie dropping smirk that made me want to kiss him until the end of time and handed over his clothes to me, ensuring his fingers brushed over mine as he did so.

That soft touch made my fingers tremble and I closed my eyes for a few seconds to regain my clarity.

"I think this dating thing is going to be much more fun then I thought" Grayson grinned cockily knowing how much of a hold he had on me.

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