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Hunter PoV

I'd done some fucked up things in my life so the chances were I was going to hell so would it be that bad to seal my ticket there at this point? Because I was definitely about to commit several sins. I mean I'd screwed Mads brains out in a hospital chapel for Christ sake, could this be much worse?

I was leaning against the door frame watching Mads riding Grayson, utterly lost in a complete haze of raw sexual energy.

Grayson had seen me the moment I arrived and to be honest I didn't mean to interrupt them. But I was mesmerised as I saw Mads throw her head back, her lips parted slightly and her eyes locked shut focusing solely on the pleasure that was pulsating through her. Her tits were bouncing up and down and her ass, Jesus, her ass was clenching tightly ever time shockwaves rolled through her body.

Those noises she made should be fucking illegal because they did bad things to my dick, very bad things.

Not only did her soft little moans make me as hard as a rock they sent my brain into some sort of malfunction and all I could think about was her.

Tasting her mouth, feeling her perfect little pussy wrapped around my cock, fucking her so hard she didn't know what day it was.

Luckily I'd got changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt when I came home so by the time I was at the bed my top was off and Mads finally realised I was here. Her eyes gazed down my body and narrowed in on the silhouette of my hard-on through my shorts.

"Tsk tsk Madison. You've been a very bad girl.... now you are filthy. I guess I'm going to have to take you to the shower and clean you up" standing beside her at the side of the bed I scolded her, shaking my head at her trying to look as unimpressed as possible but it was so hard... so damn hard when she looked at me with fully dilated pupils totally blown on lust .

Her red, swollen lips formed a pout as I untangled her from Grayson, he just chuckled and laid back with his arms behind his head finding the entire thing rather amusing. That in itself was a good sign, it meant he was okay with me taking her off his hands for a little while.

Before he'd gotten jealous if I wanted some alone time with her and I got it, Mads is his wife and it's a fucked up situation fit us all to be in.

But I love her, she loves me too and we need each other.

There wasn't any other way to put it really.

But I was glad Grayson was taking things more in his stride. He had seemed less wound up and tense since he'd come home. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, I just wasn't sure what that weight was.

Mads wiggled in my arms so I moved her into a different position throwing her naked body over my shoulder so that her head was hanging over my back and her legs were tucked under my arm keeping her in place.

She tried to kick her legs out at me and made a whining noise of protest so I slammed my hand down hard on her ass making sure she knew to stop playing the brat before she got severely punished by the both of us.

"Asshole" she shocked me by smacking my ass right back just as I was about to place her back of her feet. I wrapped my arm tighter around her and turned the shower on with my spare hand.

I slid Mads down my body and place her bare ass onto the edge of the sink. Then I lent downwards until we were nose to nose.

"That was rude"

"You did it to me first. Maybe you are just worried you liked it too much. Maybe you aren't as dominant as you thought" Mads smirked swinging her legs like the little brat she was acting like right now.

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