Wanna play a game?

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After breakfast I laid down on Miley's old bed propping my head up on the pillows as Grayson cleaned the boys and got them dressed for the day pondering our life choices of late.

"Do you think we are doing this all wrong?" I asked him out of the blue

"I'm going to need more than that, doing what?" He looked up at me in confusion

"Everything. We are just sitting here while Gracie is in hospital. We're not going to see her until lunchtime. Are we bad parents? Are we neglecting her? Am I a bad mum?" My thoughts escaped my mouth as I finally spoke the things that had been in my mind for months out loud.

Grayson put the boys in their playpen which was full of toys and safe for them to have fun in. He laid on the bed next to me and took a deep breathe.

"Where has this all come from Mads? Gracie isn't by herself. She's rarely alone. We have a big family and between us all there are people with her all the time. You can't be there 24/7. It would kill you. Luke and Preston need their mummy just as much as Gracie does" he explained in a matter of fact tone clearly trying to make sure I knew it was the truth and I had nothing to feel guilty about.

"But it's not me there 24/7 and I'm her mum Grayson, me not anyone else " the idea of being a bad mother terrified me. I didn't want to be like Lillian in any way shape or form. I feared that something deep down inside of me, a genetic flaw would make me turn out like her.

"You are nothing like her Mads. Don't you dare think that for one second. You are an amazing mum and the kids are so lucky to have you. I'm so fucking proud to have you as the mother of my children. It was my dream, you must remember that?!" Grayson grabbed my hands and squeezed them lightly emphasising his words with the warmth of his hands.

His words resonated so strongly that I actually felt them in my heart and I believed them

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His words resonated so strongly that I actually felt them in my heart and I believed them. He had a way of knowing exactly what I was thinking and being able to ease my worries, to sooth my soul in a way nobody else could.

"Wanna play a game?" He asked with a wink turning into his side to look at me. I copied his movements until I was facing him too.

"What kind of game?" Grayson's games usually ended badly so I was suspicion of his motives but I was willing to play along for now enjoying the more light hearted way this morning was going.

"A game where we ask each other questions and answer honestly without losing our shit at each other" Grayson chuckled clearly having made this entire thing up on the spot to distract me from my concerns over my parenting skills.

I had a bad feeling about this game though. Was this a way of Grayson asking me about whether I slept with Hunter again and he was backing me into a corner in order to get the answer.

"Grayson if this is about that night-" I sighed putting my head onto the pillow in frustration. 

"It's not Mads. When people start dating they ask questions to get to know each other better but we already know the answers so I thought we'd play our own version" he assured me sincerely. 

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