Enough talking

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Grayson didn't say a word on the Uber ride home. His head meant against the glassed the door gazing out into the darkness. Every so often the bright lights flashed by and briefly illuminated his face letting me see how deep in thought he was.

After talking to Hunter he made it clear he wasn't in the partying mood any longer. He wasn't angry and from what I'd been able to catch they hadn't been in a fight.

In fact it seemed like a very civilised adult conversation but there was clearly something in his mind that was strong enough to make him want to head home.

I sensed he needed some space and quiet so I left him over his side of the car and mulled over what would happen between us tonight.

Perhaps it would be better if we just continued with our no sexual contact rule and just cuddled up to one another and fell asleep content in each other's arms.

Once the Uber pulled up outside the house I headed up the path and began to unlock the front door whilst Grayson paid.

I was turning off the alarm when I door slammed shut behind me and I was pushed boobs first into the wall with Grayson's hands snaked around my waist from behind me and his hard body dangerously close to me.

I could feel his breathe on my neck as his lips hovered close to my ear.

My heart skipped a few beats as my body cried out to his.

"Grayson" I gasped barely able to function when he intoxicated me this way.

"We've done enough talking Mads. Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop but I've got a feeling you want this as much as me" he whispered in my ear in a deep, busy tone that made my core wet and hot with desire.

"I want it too... so bad" my voice came up wobbly as Grayson was laying wet kisses behind my ear and down the side of my neck. He chuckled darkly and stepped back from me.

"Turn around and strip Mads. I want you bare for me" Grayson kicked off his boots and folded his arms across his chest. He tilted his head to one side as if he was getting impatient with my lack of co-operation.

I stepped out of my heels and slowly undid my dress. Once it was fully undone I let it fall from my body and pool at my feet.

I unclasped my bra and chucked it at Grayson's face, sadly his quick reflexes meant he grabbed it just before it hit him and he shook his head at me.

My fingers dipped into the waistband of my panties and although this should have felt wrong and awkward I felt a wave of freedom flow through me.

I had never felt so sexy and empowered in my life, maybe it was the alcohol giving me some extra confidence or the highly charged sexual tension that this no sexual contact rule had created between us that had led to this moment I wasn't sure but it felt great.

Grayson's eyes followed the hands as I lowered my panties grazing my fingertips sensually over my body. He licked his lips and closed the distance between us breathing heavily.

I slowed undid his shirt buttons making sure my nails ran over his firm abs once his skin was exposed. I pushed the shirt past his shoulders, down his arms and let it fall in a heap on the floor.

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