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The entire family went off to have blood tests and promised me they'd go spend time with Gracie so that Grayson and I could talk. Emily was already with her so I knew she wasn't alone which meant I could focus on this important conversation.

Grayson suggested going home to have the talk so I knew it was serious. Neither of us said a word on the car ride there as the atmosphere grew more tense every minute that past.

The twins were with Noah and Ethan who had rented a house nearby to help out while Gracie was ill so we had the house to ourselves.

I sat on the sofa picking at the skin around my fingernails nervous as to what was going to be discussed.

"Emily and Dylan saw Sammie at some bar the other day. She was drunk and mouthing off" I blurted our unable to bear the silence any longer.

"Do we really have to talk about her?" Grayson frowned in frustration at her being brought up again .

"No you don't understand. She cornered Emily in the restroom and started going on about that day I kicked her out of your house. Do you remember?"

"Of course I remember you were crazy jealous" he chuckled fondly recalling that day

"Just like you planned huh? But that's the thing. She didn't leave Gray, she watched. She watched everything. She told Emily I'm blow by blow detail what we did that day. What was said. Everything"

"Oh shit that is sick" he grimaced in disgust

"But then she said to Emily 'at least I got to a chance to see you in action, as in fucking. She said it was something she'd treasure forever. But why would she say that if you fucked her? Do you remember any little detail of being eith her?"

"I've told you before all I remember if being at the bar with Hunter, your dad and Dylan and then they had to leave so I stayed to finish my drink, Tommy was there and we talked for abit. Then I woke up on the sofa here the next day" Grayson explained running his hands over his face in frustration at his lack of memories from that night. He took wetting the babies head way too far that night.

"You spoke to Tommy? You never mentioned that before"

"He isn't exactly someone I enjoy talking about to you" he grunted in anger at the thought of my history with Tommy.

"Maybe he can fill in the blanks though you dumbass. Gray I don't think you slept with her. I truly don't. I just so sorry I didn't realise it earlier. But am I so sorry" I wanted to cry as guilt hit me so hard it knocked the air from my lungs

"You believe me now?" He asked in shock wide eyed and totally surprised by my admission.

"I do" I nodded with a soft smile

"Fuck, perfect timing for me to fuck things up again"

"What'd you mean?"

"I lied about all these girls I've been with since we split. I haven't been with anyone else. I don't want anyone else. But I told you a huge lie and now it's gonna all come out and mess things up big time "

"Gray just tell me cos you are scaring me"

"I don't know where to start. I fucked up so bad it's been eating away at me ever since. But I was so damn scared I'd lose you I didn't know what else to do. To stop you choosing him and leaving me. Gracie isn't mine. Hunter is her dad. I faked the DNA tests cos I didn't want to lose you both and I'm so sorry cos I love her so much it kills me to see her so sick and I wonder maybe it's gods way of punishing me you know? Maybe I did this to her." Grayson was spiralling so fast before my eyes that his words didn't even phase me as I ran across the room and took his face in my hands and lifted it so we were looking right in each other's eyes. There was where to escape.

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