Home truths

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There was something weird going on. Grayson was spending way too much time with my dad even when they weren't training and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

I'd asked my mum but she'd insisted she had no idea even though she had a little glint in her eyes that suggested she knew exactly what was up.

It wasn't like I cared, I loved that they were so close but after Dylan's wedding Tyler hadn't gone home yet and it had been a week now, even he'd got involved in their secret whispers and behind closed doors conversations.

"Why does Ty get to know what they are talking about and not me? I'm Grayson's wife, I have a right to know what he is up to" I groaned to my mum resting on head on the her kitchen counter hoping that the coolness of the marble might ease the headache I'd given myself trying to figure things out.

"That's funny Madison. Very funny" my mum scoffed loudly insinuating something she obviously wanted to get off of her chest.

"What's funny?" Why was my mum laughing so hard her head was thrown back like I'd told her the funniest joke ever. What was I missing here?

" you said you have a right to know what's going on because you are Grayson's wife, that's what amusing darling" mum pointed out still laughing and holding her sides like her ribs hurt from amusement

"I don't follow mum"

"If you claim the right to know his business because you are his wife shouldn't you start acting like it?" Ouch that was harsh. Really harsh and I lifted my head so quickly my neck cracked as I stared at her waiting for her to take that back or say she was teasing me.

I looked over at my sister who was scrolling through her phone in an obvious attempt to stay out of it. She was hopeless.

"Mum if you've got something to say just say it? I'm too tired for riddles" Letting our a big sigh I straightened my shoulders preparing myself for some home truths. Mum was never one to sit back and let things slide.

She was all about honesty and she always meant well even if her words stung. I had a feeling this would sting.

"Maddie I get that you wanted space to reconnect with Grayson but he had jumped through hoops for you, he had been patient

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"Maddie I get that you wanted space to reconnect with Grayson but he had jumped through hoops for you, he had been patient... loving... supportive. Far more than most men would be but if you've truly chosen him I think it's high time you showed him that" mum spoke softly but her words were heavy with truth. She took my hand in hers and squeezed it looking right in my eyes.

"It's time to go home and be a family sweetheart. Don't keep punishing him for the past. A past, let's be truthful, that you and Hunter had a much bigger hand in than him. If you love him like you say you do I think he needs you to show him for good. Go to him, live your lives and be happy" they were very wise words and weren't meant to hurt me but when she mentioned my past with Hunter I couldn't help but flinch.

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