Pre fight

241 14 15

Mads PoV

Miley and Jayden were going to take me to the fight. Hunter and Grayson had already left and I hoped they had abit of time to say a proper goodbye and that would leave Graysons head completely clear for tonight.

He had seemed so relaxed when he left the house it was hard to imagine he was going to face the biggest night of his career in just a few hours.

Just before he left he'd asked me for a favour at the fight; To not do anything to draw an extra attention to myself. I didn't have to ask him to elaborate on it. Within the fighting world women were often seen as possessions or prizes.

Of course there were amazing female fighters but out of that sphere women were there to enhance a male fighters overall appearance.

Fighters girlfriends and wives usually dressed to kill themselves.

I had grown up with the fighting world so I understood it was all a matter of perspective and often these women were fiercely intelligent and independent in their own rights.

It was usually a case of playing a part to fit the outsiders view of the event. It might look like it was all about money and adrenaline but the truth was it was damn hard graft. It was sweat and struggles that only truly paid off when and if you were lucky enough to reach the top of the game.

Right where Grayson was.

He knew how lucky he was to be getting a second chance and he wanted this for him this time, not the ghost of his dads legacy. What he was asking me was to dress in a manner that wouldn't make me look too 'much' and to behave in that way too.

So I guess me slapping the shit out of Tommy myself was out of the question then?! Damn it!

Usually I'd of laughed at his request and told him where to stick it but I knew how much was riding on this fight going his way. He needed this for his career, he needed this for him. Me doing even the slightest thing to risk ruining that for him was absolutely out of the question.

Plus I had already made plans for later and his request actually played right into my head. Grayson was a huge tease but two could play that game.

I hid my dress underneath one of Grayson's brand newly designed black hoodies. He had it specially made with his brand logo on the front with the words 'Mrs Grayson Barrett' in big red letters on the back. It was oversized and grazed just on my mid thigh and left about two inches of flesh before my legs were covered with over the knee black faux suede stiletto heel boots. You didn't always have to dress in a skimpy outfit to look ready to kill.

I flicked my loosely waved blonde hair over my shoulder and checked myself out in the mirror one last time. My red lipstick matched the red that was part of Grayson's fight outfit and I hoped he'd appreciate the little touch of support that added.

"Loving the look.. it's very Ariana Grande" Miley smirked at me standing in the doorway of what was close to becoming me and Grayson's old bedroom.

So much had happened here, it felt odd to be leaving soon. But at the same tine I was so excited about our new start. Everything was going our way.

Gracie was thriving and getting healthier everyday and Grayson and I had never been in a better place. The twins were the cutest, bubbliest little boys you could ever dream of and things were... things were almost perfect.

If Grayson won tonight I knew in my gut that perfect would happen for us. I just knew it was all going to work out for us. For us all, even Hunter.

That was the bittersweet part of tonight.

He was leaving.

I only hoped that with the distance between us, that in time we could become good friends again. I wasn't stupid enough to think things would ever be the same as they used to be but maybe...just maybe we could be friends again.

I really prayed that he would find true love, someone that wanted him to be their entire world in the same way Grayson was mine.

No actually Grayson was far more than that.

He was my universe. My everything.

My absolute endgame.

My heart seemed to race every time I thought about him. He might be my husband and we'd been together a long time now but he still gave me butterflies.

"Thanks, Grayson asked me to tone things down for tonight. He didn't want any 'distractions'" I rolled my eyes as I repeated the word Grayson had used. He was the horniest man on the planet and clearly he felt a similar way to me because what he had said to me was that if I looked super sexy he'd be thinking about fucking me and not fucking Tommy up.

There was a huge difference there too. He wanted to devour me, he wanted to destroy Tommy.

"I don't think you wearing that big hoodie will stop him wanting to get you out of it" my sister chuckled knowing exactly how Grayson's brain, well his libido worked. She'd caught us in awkward situations more times than I could count.

Not that her and Jayden were much better. I'd been exposed to sone pretty shocking things myself over the years.

Especially when she used to sneak him into her bedroom when she was only 16 and my dad had no idea about it.

Jayden would pay me to keep their naughty little secrets even though Miley would insist they were just cuddling in her bed.. half naked!!

"Oh don't you worry sis... he'll wanna get me out of it
as soon as that fight is over" I winked and lifted my hoodie to show her exactly what I was wearing underneath. It was the shortest skimpiest black lace dress I could find. It barely rated as a dress really but I knew Grayson would have a fit if he saw me wearing it in public so this was strictly for him.

"Jesus Christ!" Is all Miley uttered feigning a heart attack and clutching her heart.

"Think he'll like it?" I asked nervously. Somehow Grayson's desire for me made me anxious. This dress showed off the scar on my thigh and I still didn't feel fully confident flashing it off. It wasn't exactly pretty.

"I think he'll rip it off of you the moment he sees it...and that is all he'll be focused on. I can see where your brain is going right now so stop right now! You look hot Mads. Grayson worships you like a goddess" Miley was always so in tune with my way of thinking that she sensed my insecurity and pulled me into her arms and squeezed me tight.

"Ok??" She leant back and softly shook me by the shoulders as if to shake sense into me.

"Ok. Thanks Mil" I nodded and smiled at her, so glad that she was so amazing.

"Ladies we need to get going" Jayden appeared at the top of the stairs waving his car keys up hinting that we needed to leave now.

"Let's go" my sister took my hand and led me down the stairs after Jayden and out of the front door.

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