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Mads PoV

I tried to insist that Hunter should stay home and rest but he was determined to come to the hospital and spend the day with Gracie. 

The three of us headed to see how she was doing as soon as we'd finished breakfast and I was quite surprised by how easily we slipped into a normal routine.

It felt natural to just have the two of them beside me and us going through our activities as a team. I loved it, it just felt right to have them both with me.

I felt complete when we were all together.

"How's my favourite girl?" I called out as soon as I stepped foot in the hospital room and saw my baby girls face light up as she took in the three of us.

Momma... daddy... daddy" Gracie sat up in bed and held out her tiny little arms to us.

"Hey cute thing" Hunter slipped onto the bed on the left of her and wrapped one arm around her kissing her forehead.

"Good morning gorgeous" Grayson beamed sliding into the other side of the bed and looping his arm around her waist and kissing her nose.

"That tickled daddy" Gracie giggled then raised herself onto her knees and copied Grayson's actions placing a soft kiss on his nose.

"Oh that does tickle doesn't it" Grayson laughed looking happier than I'd seen him in a long time. He caught me staring and mouthed I love you at me which I did right back to him watching as Gracie kissed Hunters nose too.

"Nice try baby girl but I'm not as ticklish as you and your daddy" Hunter smirked at Gracie who  scowled at him in disappointment before turning to me who a glint of cheekiness in her eyes. It was only then I realised how full of energy she was. Her cheeks were tinged with a pastel pink blush and her eyes had abit of their old sparkle in them.

"Gracie come here" I gestured first her to crawl over to me at the end of the bed and cuddled her whilst putting my mouth close to her ear. I whispered an idea into her ear then put my finger over my lips to tell her to keep it a secret. I relayed her and watched as she climbed back up and knelt in front of Hunter again.

"You are up to something" he mused darting his eyes between Gracie and me.

"Don't look at me" I shrugged my shoulders feigning ignorance and fighting the smile that was trying to fall across my mouth.

"Did you just lick my nose??" Hunter sounded a mixture of disgusted and shocked whilst Gracie shot back down the bed and onto my lap for protection whilst Grayson roared with laughter doubling over on the bed in amusement. Gracie has a fit of giggles and I hid my laughter by hiding my face in Gracies neck.

"Aww you look like a puppy with a wet little nose" I pointed out trying to remove the scowl from Hunters face with a back handed compliment.

We spent the whole day that way. Just laughing and enjoying how full of life Gracie was today. It had been a long time since she'd been that alive and we were determined not to waste it.

"I'm gonna stay here tonight and keep Gracie company. You and Grayson need some time with the boys" Hunter explained shortly after I brought Gracie back to bed after bathing her and getting her dressed in clean PJ's.

"Are you sure you feel okay?"

"I'm a big boy Mads" Hunter said placing a chaste kiss on my nose with a grin.

"Okay mum will be here in the morning to take over. Text me later" Speaking into his hard chest I soaked in everything about him loving how he held me tight against his.

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