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Over the next few days Gracie and Hunter seemed to be put through a ridiculous amount of tests and I couldn't help but chuckle in amusement when Hunter came back from another blood test running his arm and pouting like a sad little boy that had been scolded and his puppy taken away.

He looked far from the towering, muscular hulk of a man that I was used to seeing train or fight like his life depended on it and barely breaking a sweat.

"Aww did Hunter baby get another boo boo from the big nasty nurse?" I mocked him squeezing his cheeks in my fingers and deliberately pulling slightly to add to his discomfort.

For a grown man our daughter, a 3 yr old was making this shit look like a walk in the park in comparison.

"Fuck off you mean cow" he growled batting my hands away playfully and pulling me into his body and holding me so my back was flush against his back and my wrists were trapped by one of his big hands.

"Jeez anyone could just walk in" I tried to wiggle free from his hold and gestured to the nurses that were stationed just in the corridor from Gracies room.

She was off with my mum getting more tests while I'd been with the babies for the morning so thankfully we were alone, for now.

"I like danger" Hunter reminded me lowly in my ear as his breath tickled my neck. He pulled my earlobe between his teeth and nipped on it causing me to let out a squeal of shock before he did it harder and elicited a soft whimper to escape my lips.

"I know someone else that gets off on danger too" he laughed heartedly swatting my arse hard as he let me go and took a seat next to where Gracies small bed usually sat.

"Pervert" I scowled are him secretly disappointed that he'd let go off me feeling suddenly far more cold and vulnerable without him wrapped around me.

"I'll show you later just how much of a pervert I can be. I want to explore every inch of your body tonight. After all it's gonna be a while before I'm up to it again" he said the last past with a naughty wink that made me core ache to find out exactly what he had planned for me later on.

"I give you a week" I pointed out doubting very much that Hunter Barrett could survive without sex for more than that.

"Fucking hell Mads I know I'm hot and you can't resist my body but I am about to undertake a serious surgery. I am going to need you to keep your hormones in check" he scolded me right back with a wide eyed look of mock distaste on his face which made me want to hit him and kiss him in equal measures.

I had missed things being so easy like this.

Everything between Grayson and I was so complicated and it was always all in or nothing at all. Screwing like bunnies or screaming at each other or worse than that. Not even being in the same place at the same time because our emotions always ran so hot and cold that we'd push each other away. Whenever one was ready the other was scared.

Then as soon as that one of us got scared too then the other one of us would know exactly what we wanted.

But it was never easy. Never lighthearted and fun like this. Never just taking today as it came and worrying about tomorrow when it happened.

For two men that were the exact equal halves of one while they were so different in so many ways.

Hunter was playful and liked to just be silly and didn't give two fucks what anyone thought of him.

But he had the biggest heart imaginable and if he loved you he would go to the ends of the earth to protect and worship you. He was confident too.
He knew what he wanted and set out to get it, he rarely lost out. I knew where I was with Hunter.

I was the centre of his universe and he didn't care how wrong it was to feel that way. He made me feel like we were two parts of the same soul and only when we were together did we ever feel truly complete.

But Grayson. Grayson was like a mirage on a summer hot day when you are dying of thirst in the midst of a dry, sandy desert. Just when you thought you understood what it was you saw in front of your eyes, he'd flip the script on you in an instant.

He was confident but always let that small nagging voice in the back of his head control his entire thought process.

He was dark, deep and moody but loved so much it almost felt like it pained him to feel so intensely. But damn, when his head was in the game and he slipped so easily into that dominate role I melted into him regardless of that face I'd be so mad at him 5 minutes before hand.

Hunter and Grayson were my weakness. They were my drug after all these years. I'd fought and I'd clawed my way to stop feeling so affected by them but whenever they were near me I was just a teenager again dreaming of the miracle day maybe one of them would ever glance a solitary look in my direction.

But I loved them both so much I didn't know what the fuck I was going to do about it. I just knew I couldn't survive without them.

"Thinking about Grayson?" Hunters question jerked me from my thoughts and I looked at him to see him watching me curiously like he could read my mind

"Both of your actually" I corrected him with a soft smile never wanting him feel like I was putting Grayson before him ever again.

I'd made that mistake before and it just hurt everyone. Hunter more than me and Gray.

"Oh really? What pray tell my love are you thinking about the both of us for? Or are you having some really good flashbacks??" He raised his eyebrows suggestively holding out his arm to me to take him hand.

I slipped me hand into his and watched as his long lean fingers wound through my tiny ones making me feel so precious and let him pull me into his lap where he kissed my neck affectionately as if to say he truly did care what I was thinking about.

"Just how the hell did we get here? The three of us" I shrugged trying to explain my thoughts in their simplistic form.

"Well me and my identical twin brother fell in love with the same seriously smokin' hot girl who just so happened to quite like us back and eventually we broke her down til she let us both get our filthy hands on her" he sighed trying to add his own humour into a so not funny topic.

"Really? Do I know this girl? Cos I will fight her. I will kick her ass" I joked laughing more as a Hunters fingers dig into my sides tickling me until I was a wiggling mess on his lap.

"Okay anymore of you rubbing your ass on my dick and I'm gonna bend your over the fucking nearest desk. Maybe that evil nurses desk that keeps stabbing me with needles" Hunter hissed and placed both hands firmly on my hips and held me still whilst lifting himself up slightly to show me how excited he was already.

"You could bend her over her desk?" I giggled trying to cover my amusement with my hand but failing terribly

"I'd rather stick my dick in a cheese grater thanks love" Hunter scoffed looking absolutely mortified at the near suggestion

"Anyway how can you be scared of needles but you have tattoos?" I slid one arm around Hunters neck and moved so I was sitting across him sideways. My spare hand ran my fingertips over the sites of his various tattoos.

"Tattoos are different. Plus you can't sit in the chair and piss your pants can you? They'd think I was a complete pussy. I love pussy- I don't want to be a pussy. So let's keep my needle phobia between the two of us and I won't tell Gracie about you spilling your coffee all over her favourite princess pyjamas the other day?! Huh? Deal??" Fuck that bastard did see when I accidentally ruined her most favourite PJ's I tried to get the stain out I truly did but it didn't work.

"You drive a hard bargain Barrett" I held my hand out for him to shake and laughed when he lifted it to his mouth and kissed each of my knuckles softly before licking a path right back to the start.

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