What if....

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Mads PoV

When I'd told Grayson that we needed some space to heal I didn't expect him to take that as literal. Two days after Grayson and Hunter has fought and I'd cleaned up Grayson's injuries he had sent me a text late at night which shocked me to my core.

📱Gray ❤️
I've gone to a training camp in London. I'll be back in 5 weeks. Your mum said she'll keep me updated on the kids. Gray x

He'd just up and left as soon as he could. It was happening again. One of us always ran away from the other as soon as things got tough. I'd done it to him a busted times, I'd push him away when things got intense or I'd just run away completely.

Yet this time all I'd wanted was space from us being in a relationship in order for the three of us to heal and truly work out what we wanted. Hunter could never move on or get over things if Grayson and I were all loved up in front of him and if we fought we'd just be proving to him that we didn't work and that I didn't belong with Grayson. It was a big fat crappy mess and it was my fault.

But luckily there were some distractions that would keep me occupied aswell as the kids.

Emily and Dylan's wedding was in 6 weeks and Emily has officially turned into bridezilla. No matter how much help she had from all of us she was still running around like a headless chicken panicking about flowers, rings, cake, food, dresses, tuxedos, the venue.

There was not one detail she hasn't organised to the finest detail but she was still a wreck. I had to laugh because otherwise I would have thought about my own problems and began to cry and never stopped.

We were at the florist and as Emily talked to the woman that was organising the wedding arrangements I was busy smelling the various displays of roses and whatever else those pretty petalled beauties were.

Emily didn't have any siblings so Miley and I were suppose to be there to offer our opinions but the truth was I had no idea about anything because Grayson and I got married in a shitty courthouse with just Hunter, Dylan, Miley and our parents there. I didn't wear a beautiful dress but a light pink dress I had from prom at school. Grayson wore a suit but it wasn't a fairytale wedding like I'd imagined. I was pregnant with Gracie and Grayson wanted us to be married before she was born and I didn't want to be huge do we did a quick wedding that meant very little looking back on it.

"That poor lady looks terrified" I whispered to my sister watching as the florists eyes bulged wide at Emily's list of requirements. She was a force to be reckoned with when her wedding was concerned!

"Why are we even here?" Miley frowned liking bored out of her mind.

"I think it's part of bridesmaid and maid of honour duties just to stand here and look supportive" I shrugged only guessing what on earth we had to be here for.

"Have you heard from Grayson?" Miley shifted the conversation suddenly

"Nope or he who shall not be named" Hunters name was currently banned from being said after his behaviour at the gym. Until he was prepared to act like a grown man he could go fuck himself.

"Wow still mad huh?" Miley drawn in a long breath and seemed surprised that I was still angry at him.

"Mil he was such an arsehole. I get he is hurting but that's no reason to be a dick" I pointed out refusing to back down on my feelings

"Yeh I guess he was. If dads pissed at them both it just have been pretty bad" Miley added seeing my way of thinking

"It was awful. It looked like they were gonna kill each other"

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