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Mads PoV

I stood in the bathroom staring at absolutely anything apart from Grayson. He was deliberately taking his time drying off and getting dressed in a bid to get under my skin and it was working, However I refused to let him know that, at least for now.

But from the heated gaze he was giving me, that I could feel without even needing to look at him, I was certain he knew exactly the effect he was having on me.

As independent as I was in my day to day life there was something thrilling and almost freeing to hand over absolute control and trust to Grayson in our private moments.

I knew he would never do anything to hurt me and that ultimately he only had pure, primal pleasure in mind so I could stop thinking and just feel. Boy did it feel good... really good.

Grayson in his dominant mood was something else entirely. He exuded power and a level of self confidence that made me wet just watching the way his body would move. Every movement was full of strength and grace,  just knowing he could literally break me at any moment was exciting and completely breathtaking.

His voice would be a few octaves lower, dark and huskier than his normal voice and that alone would have my panties soaking wet and dropping to the floor.

But even that side of Grayson wasn't his darkest side. There was a another version of Grayson that not many people knew existed. Fighting brought out this person. The sheer amount of adrenaline and blood that pumped through his veins drew this version of him to life. But that side of him didn't want me, Mads.

That Grayson was far more intrigued by a side of me that he had discovered. It was also the only time he ever called me by my full first name. Madison.

When Grayson called me by that name my pussy would automatically clench hard at the thought of what he would do to me.

But imagine the way I felt when my family would call me Madison. Luckily most of the time they called me Maddie but sometimes they'd call me Madison and I would pray the earth would open up and swallow me whole.

Grayson would just smirk knowingly and watch in amusement as I would try to avoid his eye contact at all costs knowing that if he said that name the entire situation would shift very fast.

One time we were having a family bbq at my parents house and it was when Gracie was a baby. One of my mums friends joined us and I was introduced by my full name. Grayson's eyes darkened at the sound of that name and he swifter headed over to us, politely excusing us to go in the house for something.

As soon as we were out of sight he'd wrapped his hand around my wrist and yanked me into my dads office. The door barely closed and I was slammed against it with his big hands exploring my body.

He got in his knees and pulled my panties to one side and thrusted 3 fingers straight into my wet pussy. He was relentless with his movements and each time his fingers grazed over my g-spot and his thumb flicked over my swollen clit so hard it made a raw pleasure ripple through my core like a shockwave.

"What do you want Madison? Do you want to ride my hand until you want to scream my name? Should I put my entire fist inside your tight little pussy and fuck you with it?" He growled, his lips brushing over my folds as he spoke making my knees go weak at the contrast in the gentle versus rough touches.

"Grayson....please...I need you" When he was like that there was no way in hell I could stop myself from begging him for anything he would give me. I trusted him completely and I was sure that he knew what I needed. I just wanted to feel him.. to feel everything.

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