His moon

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Another week went by just like the one before it and the one before that. I'd spent so much time at this hospital now I was beginning to feel pretty institutionalised. I often found myself wondering around the dimly lit hallways in the middle of the night.

It was just me and the ghosts in the somewhat eerily quiet corridors that seemed to be an endless maze of despair and death. Was there truly a way out of this place and a light at the end of the tunnel in which you could escape, happy and healthy again.

Could my Gracie escape this place or would her fate be another kind of tunnel with a beacon of light calling her towards it as the days past by.

They say graveyards have a lot of spirits haunting them but I think hospitals could give graveyards a run for their money. A graveyard was a final resting place, an ending of a persons story but hospitals had patients on a constant flow through their doors and onto the pearly gates of heaven or the firey inferno of hell.

But not everyone goes to heaven or hell right?

Where do those people that don't believe go?

Do their souls just roam their place of death for all of eternity? Were spirits wondering these halls alongside me tonight? I'd done the same thing every night for so long now I was like a zombie so perhaps I could do with the company.

As I strolled through the long corridor that led to the children's ward I ran my hand along the wall curious to see if my hand would drift through my spirit companions and I'd get goosebumps or a shiver would run down my spine. But there was nothing.

"Hey I was about to come look for you" a voice approached me from the darkness and startled me

"Fuck you made me jump. Is everything okay?" My heart was currently in my mouth racing ten times its normal rate.

"Yes Gracie is fast asleep with her daddy. Fancy going to grab one of those really shitty coffees from the machine near the restaurant?" Emily curled her nose up at the mention of the vile liquid they had the audacity to refer to as coffee.

My heart swelled as I envisioned Grayson curling his huge body gently around Gracies dainty frail little body like a papa wolf protecting his pup.

I'd often find them snuggled up together like that, whether it was as he read her a story or they were having cuddles that somehow led to a nap time. It was always way too adorable to disturb but I did have hundreds of photos I'd sneakily take as proof of how soft and unbrutish Grayson could be.

When it came to the babies I'd find him flat on his back with Luke curled up resting his cheek on one shoulder whilst Preston would be mimicking his brother on the other one of their daddy's broad shoulders.

Grayson would lightly wrap his arms around each of them to keep them safe and the three of them would often chill like that for ages, usually until the boys were hungry or a little whirlwind swept in and demanded equal attention from her daddy.

Gracie was a brilliant big sister and she loved helping us bathe the boys or help settle them at night by making up little stories about the adventures the three of them would get up to.

But one thing she was not keen on was sharing daddy.

She was a placid little girl but when she wanted her daddy then she would demand he drop everything for her and nine times out of ten he did it!

Gracie has Grayson wrapped tightly around her little finger and it was the most beautiful thing to watch.

Emily got the button in the coffee machine and past me the murky grey looking excuse for coffee before making her own then we sat down at the comfy looking sofa in the lounge area of the restaurant which was closed until 7am so it was just the two of us, well and the ghosts if they enjoyed crappy coffee too.

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