Truth talk

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It wasn't until we were at the hospital that it occurred to me that all of my 'going out' clothes were still at Grayson and I's family home which he was currently staying in alone.

After spending the afternoon at the hospital with Gracie and the boys Grayson agreed to behave himself while I got ready for our date at our house rather than my parents. After we dropped the boys off with my mum and dad Grayson drove us back to the family house.

A few things had been bugging me since our refreshingly honest and mature conversation that morning and I knew that I had to get them off of my chest if we were to truly stand a chance in hell at making this relationship work. I just needed to figure out the best way to bring the subject up.

I had no idea where we were going on this date and 'wear a sexy dress and heels' didn't exactly give me a lot to go on. I'd been through my closet twice and still wasn't sure on what type of 'sexy' Grayson had meant. I called him upstairs and was relieved to see him bring two glasses of champagne up with him.

"Thank you. So this date, is it classy sexy or slutty sexy? I'm trying to figure out what to wear but as I have no clue about what we are doing or where we're going it's kinda difficult" I word vomited my first world fashion problems at Grayson as soon as he stepped in our bedroom.

"how can I help?" He chuckled and shook his head at my dramatic behaviour before heading into my closet like a deer in the headlights.

After rustling around for a few minutes he suddenly appeared again with a black dress on a hanger in his hand and a very cross look on his face as his wide eyes darted between me and the dress.

" what the hell is this?" He asked waving the dress around being extremely dramatic. Maybe I had rubbed off on him far more than I realised, no wonder he was so perfect!

"That is a dress Gray" I informed him calmly trying not to let my lips form into a slight smile. That particular dress was very short, sheer and very tight so I knew why he was behaving that way. Well there were two reasons.

One he was going to tell me I wasn't allowed out of the house in it and secondly, the clue in the first.
Out of the house. I saw the look in his eyes. He was imagining that dress clinging to my curves and his ripping it from me.

"That is lingerie. You are not allowed out of the house wearing that thing. The only time you can wear it is right before I screw your brains out" so I was right, I totally called it. Grayson was so easy to read sometimes but other times he was a completely closed book. He could be a complete headfuck at times!

"Actually I plan on wearing it to Emily's bachelorette party next Saturday. We are having some girlie time then meeting up with the bachelor party. Maybe there will be someone there to protect me and my virtue" Grayson and I fell into flirting so easily we couldn't see it to stop ourselves.

Grayson was practically salivating at the thought and I felt pretty good knowing he still wanted me so badly.

"You are such a tease. But here, this one is perfect" He rolled his eyes at my flirtatiousness before finding the perfect dress for me to wear the hanging it on the wardrobe door before going to leave my to get ready. It was now it never.

"Gray can we talk about something please?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed and patting the space beside me for him to come join me. The atmosphere shifted immediately and we both turned serious again.

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