Stuck with you

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Mads PoV

It was getting late and the evening was begging to wind down. Dylan and Emily has done their slow dance and then disappeared leaving the guests to continue in with the night whilst they were  celebrating in a more personal setting I could only guess!

Slow songs had started to come on and couples old and young, in love and in lust filled the dance floor moving in close proximity to each other in a quiet and romantic declaration of their feelings. I sat watching them, nursing an empty glass wondering if the old, grey haired cute couple that were dancing close to one another and looking lost in each other's eyes would be Grayson and I one day. Would we make it that far and be as happy then as we had been today?

"Care to dance?" Grayson crouched down in front of me to catch my eyes and held out his hand to me.

I took his hand and let him lead me out onto the dance floor where he wrapped his arms around my waist holding my flush against his chest. As we began to slowly sway in time with the music I rested my head against him and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart beating finding it strangely soothing.

"It's been a lovely day" I murmured against him

"I could make it much better?" He leant back and lifted his eyebrows suggestively before lowering his hands until they hovered over my ass.

"Grayson" I rolled my eyes at his naughty antics and moved his hands onto the small of my back cursing myself when the light touch of his fingertips made me shiver.

"Much much better" he chuckled knowing exactly what he was doing to me.

"Let's just dance" he held me tightly and kissed the top of my head acknowledging my request before a new song came on and I listened to the words as we moved in perfect slow, sensually sync together. It was almost like this was written about us.

🎶 So lock the door
And throw out the key
Can't fight this no more
It's just you and me
And there's nothing I, nothing I, I can do
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

So go ahead and drive me insane
Baby, run your mouth
I still wouldn't change being stuck with you
Stuck with you, stuck with you
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you, baby 🎶

Something stirred deep inside me as I listened to the lyrics and felt Grayson's form body against me, holding me up, supporting me, loving me just like he always did. I was overcome by the need to show him just how much he meant to me and how much I needed  him. I dropped my arms from around his body and linked my fingers through his and led him off of the dance floor and into the darkness outside.

He calls me name several times in confusion but I was on a mission and couldn't stop to talk. Earlier on I'd seen a huge, beautiful garden at the side of the building and now it was only dimly lit by fairy lights that were littered across the bushes that framed the pathways. I pulled him deep into the gardens were there was nothing but silence and the stars above us.

"Mass what is going on?"  He seemed concerned now and his eyes were full of worry which I had to get rid of immediately.

"Gray... " was all I could muster as I tried to contain the lust that was building in every cell of my body like tiny little flames licking against my skin from the inside out just trying to burst out and devour him.

"I'm here talk to me" he cupped my cheeks to catch my gaze and my legs nearly face out as the sheer amount of love in his eyes made me feel overwhelmed.

"I need you"

"I'm here"

"No I need you do fucking much it hurts Gray" I pleaded with him to understand what I meant and what I needed because I could barely hold on much longer.

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