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I barely got my feet on the ground outside my parents house before Hunter had lent over and slammed the passenger door shut in my face and driven off. My car was here as promised but there was no sign of Grayson's which made me feel sad.

I really wished I could have seen him tonight and had a talk to him before his brain started working overtime and jumped to the wrong conclusions even though I feared he already might have done that.

I found my mum in the living room curled up on the sofa watching tv with a glass of wine in her hand. She looked up and seemed shocked to see me which made me frown as I stole the glass and down it's contents in one large gulp.

"Wow that kind of night huh?" Mum raised her eyebrows up at me and got off the sofa and I trailed her to the kitchen where she was quick to refill her glass and make me one too.

"Mum I don't even know where to begin" I explained with a sigh

"Grayson didn't think you'd be coming home so he put the boys to bed then left" mum explained sounding almost as surprised herself

"You didn't either did you?"

"Truthfully? I wasn't sure" she admitted watching me over the rim of her glass to see how I reacted to her thoughts.

"I can't keep going on like this anymore. I just can't do it. Once Gracies well again I need a new start somewhere safe for the kids" I shared my thoughts and my mum paled

"What are you talking about? "

"Hawaii mum. I'm moving back there permanently. The kids love it there and it's an amazing place to grow up regardless of what happened in the past" I shared my thoughts and as I said it I knew for sure that was what I was going to do.

"Does Grayson know that?" Mum questioned with an accusative tone.

"It's not exactly like we are talking much these days but I will tell him" my voice sounded harsh and I felt awful as soon as I spoke but it was too late to take it back so I just drunk my wine instead.

"I will talk to him about it though" I added a few minutes later unable to bear the silent treatment my mum was giving me.

"Good, you can't just up and leave with his children without discussing it with him first"

"Yes mum" Rolling my eyes I chuckled and smiled as my mum stuck her tongue out at me at my smart arse tone of voice.


I spent the next morning with Gracie who was at the stage where she could actually go to the play room on the ward and interact with other children which was making her time there much more bearable for her. She didn't stop giggling all morning which was like music to my ears.

Mum had the boys because I was wary of leaving them at the hospital daycare anymore despite Lillian being out on bail and confined to her house.

Dad and I had arranged to take the boys for ice cream while mum went to the hospital so I got the boys into their buggy and headed inside the gym to meet dad. I had some account work to drop of anyway so it had made sense to get him from there then we'd take a stroll to the ice cream parlour a few blocks away.

Once we were inside I sensed something was wrong immediately. There was a crowd of people around the ring and loud grunts and deep breathing filled the air. I knew they were the sounds of a fight taking place and it sounded pretty vicious.

People didn't usually stop training to watch others sparring so this had to be something more.

I scanned my eyes for my dad and found him watching the ring looking a mixture of angry and worried.

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