We belong together

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⚠️A/N song recommendation- Mariah Carey -
We belong Together ⚠️

Mads PoV

I nearly tripped over my own feet as I walked at speed into the hallway and my heart just stopped when I laid eyes on him. He looked good, so good.

"Hey you" Grayson spoke in a hushed tone not wanting to be overheard or wake up the boys.

"Hey yourself

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"Hey yourself. I thought you were coming back next week?" Jesus why did I feel so nervous. I felt like a school girl talking to her crush.

"I was but I had more important things to sort out"

"Oh okay"

"I should have told you I was going away. But I knew if I told you, if I saw you I wouldn't be able to go. You asked for space and I don't think I would have been able to give you that if I was here"

"So you lied to me and left for my sake?" That was a cop out and he knew it. He left because things got too much for him. He couldn't handle it so he bailed.

"Don't say it's like that Mads please. I'm trying here okay"

"Okay I get it" and I did. I did get it because there were times I felt like running away and avoiding my problems. Only thing is that isn't an option when you are a mum. Not for me anyways.

"I need to know if you slept with Hunter that night after the twins birthday party" Grayson suddenly demanded cringing at the meaning of his words.

"Grayson seriously?"'I sighed feeling deflated by his question and the doubts he still had about us.

"I need to know" he repeated firmly and I knew he wasn't going to budge on it.

"No you don't. You need to trust me" it was the truth. He couldn't constantly doubt me and assume the worst.

"once I know the answer I'll know if I can trust you"

"What the hell? I focused on us, I placed all my attention on me and you because I thought it was worth fighting for. I thought we were getting close again and then you pulled away. Then you left. You can't do this, you can't doubt me all the time and ask me stuff like that. I know I hurt you but you acting like this hurts me too"

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying if this is what it's going to be like, if you don't want to try then just go. Just walk away now and don't come back. I can't keep doing this trying to get you to love me again"

"Mads don't say that" he grimaced as the pain of what I just said hit him

"No I can't keep trying to do this. Loving you is too hard when you are giving up. Hating you is easier"

Grayson just gazed at me with a stony expression that was so hard to read. It was like he was reliving every moment of our lives together and working out if we were worth him fighting for.

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