Stop myself

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Mads PoV

After my confession Grayson has headed off to get ready for our date. He hadn't seemed to be overly concerned about what I'd told him but sometimes he was good at hiding his true emotions until the right time then he'd explode like a ticking time bomb.

But tonight wasn't about Hunter and the more  I thought about it the more I realised that although I would have to have a serious talk with him at some point, I couldn't continue to worry about it because it was overshadowing far more positive things.

Tonight was about a fresh start for Grayson and I and that was a much better think to focus on.

Dead on 8pm Grayson appeared in our bedroom doorway looking extremely handsome in a pair of black jeans and a baby blue shirt that made his blue eyes look even prettier than they already were, how unfair was that?

He meant against the doorframe just staring at me like I'd gained two heads or something. I was putting my essentials in my purse when his gaze became too much.

"What's wrong?" Had he changed his mind after our talk and wanted to give up on us? My heart was racing and my stomach was doing backflips.

"Nothing is wrong baby... you just look so damn gorgeous I can't stop staring at you. How did I get lucky enough to have you?" Grayson still seemed in some sort of trance as his eyes raked over my body taking in every detail as he went.

"It's just the dress. It's a nice dress, good choice Gray. You look very handsome" I laughed his words off and turner the focus on him because he was truly one of the most beautiful things I'd ever laid my eyes in.

"Mads it's not the dress, it's you

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"Mads it's not the dress, it's you. You have no idea how difficult it is to stop myself" Grayson refuted my thoughts and shook his head at me.

"Stop yourself from what?" My freshly done perfectly sculpted brows furrowed together in concern for him and I walked over towards him worried about him.

"Stop myself from kissing you!" Grayson smirked licking his lips trying to tempt me.

"Okay right that's it... we need to get out of this bedroom and go on this date before-" He had started to make me flustered and if we didn't leave the bedroom right now we'd never leave tonight at all.

"Before what baby? Before you give in to what you really want and let me bury my face between your legs?" Why did he have to say stuff like that in that voice?? That damn deep, dark and dominant voice that promised nothing but pleasure.

There was nothing I could say to that which wasn't going to lead down a very naughty path and straight into our bed. It was so tempting but I knew I had to resist his wicked charm for the benefit of our relationship.

"Let's go" Half way down the stairs I called out to ensure he was following me because if I turned back we'd be in big trouble, but naked hot steamy trouble.

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