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Hunter POV

I'd been skipping out on work obligations to spend as much fine at the hospital as I could. There were so many reasons I felt the need to be here and each one of them was complicated. I had to man up and step up when Grayson was failing right now. As annoyed as I was with how fast he was spiralling out of control I understood why, even if he didn't know that I did. I just wanted to grab him by the scruff of his neck and shake him until he opened his eyes and saw exactly what he was screwing up. He had it all and it still wasn't enough to pull him through the darkness.
Mads needed someone, she needed Grayson but he couldn't be there for her and quite frankly that was his lose and my win because there was no way I was going to bow out as gracefully as I did last time.

I knew she felt as strongly for me as I did her and she only ended things for him. The thanks he gave her was to turn into a complete idiot and that was putting it mildly. But maybe I was an idiot too because I knew what he did and I let it slide. I let him win because loved him and wanted him happy even if it met I was miserable.

But I refused to put his needs before my own anymore. If he wanted to mess things up I'd sit by and watch and just take everything he had thrown anyway because in reality it was mine anyway.

Mads was mine. She was always suppose to be mine and yet he played Mr charming and won her over. Only now she wasn't so blinded by his award winning smile.

Then there was a Gracie. I'd do anything for that gorgeous little girl. There was no mountain I wouldn't climb for her. If she asked for the stars I'd reach up and pluck them out of the stars for her. In fact I'd get her an entire galaxy if she asked me for it. Even though no star or planet shone as brightly as she did. She got that from her mum. Mads and Gracie were like two peas in a pod. Gracie was her little mini me but those big blue eyes, they were all her dads. That thought still made me feel slightly unsettled just like the day we got the DNA tests back and they said Grayson was her dad.

But I pushed it to the back of my mind and focused on Gracie as she sat in bed wearing the light purple scarf I'd got her with 'gorgeous Gracie Barrett' written across it with matching shades of purple in her princess pyjamas. She was watching cartoons on my iPad, well I told Mads it was mine but secretly I'd bought it for Gracie ,and giggling pointing to the screen at whatever she found so funny. I had no idea what she was watching but I laughed with her just finding light in her infectious laugh. She looked so pale and frail like her body was giving up on her but her spirit was fighting hard. Even when she felt really sick she still smiled or would giggle at something or other just for the sake of it. She was so strong willed it was very obvious that Franklin and Barrett blood combined made one hell of a person.

The twins already showed signs of it too. They were so determined to do things that others their age barely thought about. The bits were not even a year old and already taking their first steps and saying a few words here and there, they were real bright kids just like their big sister.

"Look funny" Gracie giggles again holding out the iPad so I could see it

"Yeh very funny bunny" I smiled watching some crazy rabbit bouncing all over the screen like it was high or something!

"Hey pumpkin" Mads called out as she joined us
stretching her arm out repeatedly. I noticed the plaster in the middle of her arm near her elbow where they take blood samples and assumed that's what had happened to her. I knew her and my twat of a brother had been to a meeting with Gracies doctors to get an update on things so I guessed that things weren't great. Not that you needed a medical degree to work that one out. The feeling made me want to throw up violently but I took a deep breathe and composed myself. Nobody needed me falling apart too. I needed to be strong for the girls.

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