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They say that children are extremely resilient and from the way Gracie has settled into real life again I could definitely attest to that. We'd decided that it was best that me and the kids stay at my parents until we made the move to the new house in Hawaii.

Grayson had been a sneaky little bastard and had the new place newly finished and we'd been spending time packing up personal belongings then getting them shipped over so all we'd have to take was ourselves and the rest would be already sorted for us.

I was relieved I didn't have that to worry about because between going back to the normal routine of a mum of three young children I had two other concerns. Grayson's fight against Tommy and Hunter leaving. Hunter has decided to stick around the fight then planned to leave straight afterwards without making a huge fuss and big goodbyes. He was only saving that luxury  for Gracie. No matter what had happened between us Hunter was a big part of my life and the thought of him leaving and suddenly not being here made me feel like shit. I knew Grayson, Dylan and little Max would miss him a great deal, especially Grayson.

They were twins for gods sakes, two halves of one whole and I knew deep down Grayson hated the thought of his brother leaving even though he said he was fine with it.

I couldn't help but feel guilty about the whole situation. Yes I'd chosen Grayson. Yes I'd make the same decision a million times over and I had no regrets about it I still felt like it was my fault Hunter was leaving his family. He'd pretty much said as much at the hospital when he'd told me that seeing Grayson and I happy was hurting him and he just couldn't deal with it long term. I hated that he wasn't happy and I knew deep down in my heart that one day he'd find someone that he'd fall in love with and they'd be just like Grayson and I. I felt like he needed to be reminded of his future happiness and that I hoped things wouldn't always be so strained between us but every time we talked we ended up just upsetting one another.

Perhaps I had been rubbing my own happiness in his face without even realising.

Maybe I was naive to think that he'd just accept my decision and we could go back to the way things used to be, before we all got involved together on a more intimate level. Maybe I was just rehashing old news, opening fresh scars or whatever saying you wanted to put to it but whatever it was I felt like Hunter and I really needed to talk one to one before he left. I was just too chicken to approach him about it.

Sure I'd seen him because he was spending as much time with Gracie as he could but each time I opened my mouth the words just didn't come out or something would come up and I'd miss the opportunity.

Maybe I was just a coward.

Maybe I was an absolute idiot for thinking he'd want to hear anything I had to say anyway.

Maybe him leaving with this weird thing between us was my punishment for going near him in the first place. I was lucky Grayson had been able to move in from it so perhaps expecting both brothers to be okay with me was just asking way too much.

But I couldn't help the way it made me feel.

It was Saturday. The day of Grayson's huge comeback who just so happened to be my ex, not Hunter obviously but Tommy the complete moron.

Grayson was full of a nervous, jacked up energy that could snap at any moment. He could barely keep still and his mind was just very clearly somewhere else. But I got it, tonight was massive for him. Probably the biggest night of his career to date and being against Tommy made it that much worse. Tommy has pressed Hunters buttons when they'd fought knowing exactly how to push him over the edge and Hunter very nearly went fully fledged crazy on him which would have fucked up his career. But for Grayson it was much more personal for so many reasons.

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