Pre fight part 2

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Grayson PoV

The atmosphere in the changing room was almost electrified. Everyone on the team knew what a hugely important moment this was for not just me but then aswell. Their jobs relied on me being successful and it was a lot of pressure right now. My shoulders were tense and my head was swimming with thoughts that drowned their chatter out to a blurry background noise. I'd paced the room about a hundred times. I'd done my warm ups twice over. I was beyond ready to get this fight over with but there was something missing. Someone missing.

I knew the moment she was nearby. It sounded dumb but the energy shifted from a cold..heavy one to a warm rush that wrapped around me sending my entire body into a far more relaxed, calm state. My mind cleared to. The fog lifted the exits moment the door opened and I looked up front my seat on the bench. Long lean tanned legs covered in the most dangerous looking stilletto heeled boots that ran right up past her knees. Then her lithe body was swamped by one of my team hoodies. By I knew exactly what one she was wearing. I knew exactly what I said on the back so that everybody knew who she was... and who she belonged to. Mrs Grayson Barrett.

My wife. My oxygen. My entire fucking everything.

Fuck me... I'd asked her to dress down tonight so she didn't distract me but my dick twitched in my shorts as I imagined her legs clamped around my neck in those sexy as hell boots as she sat on my face and I ate out her pussy like a starving man.

Because when it came to her nothing was ever enough. I was always starving!

If I didn't know better I'd swear she did this shit on purpose. She was a minx in that sense. A siren sent to earth to sing to me and hold me in a constant state of trance utterly under her spell. Right where I wanted to be until the day I died.

"Hey baby" she cooed innocently wrapping her arms around my waist and snuggling her head into my chest. God she smelt amazing.

"Hi... I love the outfit. Might of been better to wear something in your bottom half though huh?" I raised an eyebrow at her teasingly whilst quickly checking where Elijah was. He had stepped out of the room so I quickly slipped my hands downwards and grabbed her arse hard enough to hear her softly whisper into my body.

"Grayson" she tried to sound like she was telling me off but she was loving every second of it. I knew her too well for her to fool me.

"Hey everyone can I have a few minutes alone with my wife please" I called out loudly getting everyone's attention. They all nodded and quickly left the room so that I could spend some precious moments with Mads.

I locked the door to ensure some privacy and then I turned back knowing the look I had in my eyes.

"Grayson ... what's going on? Why'd you lock the door?" Mads seemed confused and alittle on edge. But I noticed her squeeze her thighs together telling me exactly what I needed to know.

"Do you know what changing room this is? I requested it specially for us" as I spoke I could see her taking in the room in better detail and her eyes widened when she realised exactly where we stood.

"This is where it all began for us isn't it? The moment we left this room I knew I could never give you up. Not for anyone. I knew you were mine" As I took steps towards her Mads gulped and took a few steps backwards.

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