Bad intentions

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⚠️ pls listen to the song as you read the chapter to help with the scene atmosphere. Thank you ⚠️

Mads PoV

I felt like I was floating. The heat, The passion between us was grounding me but yet I was high enough that I could touch the clouds.

His hands roamed greedily over my body like he couldn't figure out where he wanted to touch most. But there wasn't one place he could touch that would satisfy this craving that was building deep in my belly.

I felt like I was going to pass out and explode all at the same time. There was so much sexual tension in the air that it felt like it was tangible.

That if I just reached out my fingertips I could touch it and let it soak onto my skin until it drowned me.

His fingertips eased the bottom of my dress until I was wriggling out of it desperate to be as close to him as possible and skin to skin.

I clawed at his t-shirt and he helped me to guide it off of him. He pulled my body flush to him until our flesh touched and electricity charged between us so powerfully that I felt like my knees were going to buckle and if it wasn't for his strong arms holding me up I'd be a crumpled mess on the floor.

His long fingers dipped into my wet pussy and I gasped loudly as the contact made me melt into him even more.
He curled them over my g-spot and ran his thumb in circles over my clit.

Every move was tougher. More urgent than the last like he was dying to consume me and could barely control himself.

He pumped his fingers in and out of me until I shuddered around him kissing him with unbridled passion and he reciprocated so strongly it was like he needed me to survive.

Like I was the air that filled his lungs and the blood that flowed through his veins.

I groaned into his mouth as his tongue caressed mine and he held me as I shook with an orgasm that never seemed to end and my nails scrapped down his back leaving my mark on his body.

He broke the kiss and guided me to the edge of the ring and sat me down right on the side pushing me until I was lying under the bottom rope with my back on the ring floor but my legs hanging over the edge.

I felt something cold touch my ankles and metal restraints were out around them. He tested the tightness and then ran a ice cold thin metal pole down my naked leg from my upper thigh down to my ankle leaving me arching my back as the coldness against them heat of my body made me shiver.

The pole was attached to the restraints around my ankles then my ankles were yanked by the pole opening my legs wider. It was a spreader bar and I was now spread wide open for him.

I should have felt more vulnerable than ever but completely naked and open wide in front of him with  totally blind my other senses were heightened and every nerve in my body thrummed in response to the crackling of electricity in the air.

I don't think I'd ever felt so turned on and I could feel my wetness running down my legs and making a mess. I should have cared about that. I should have cringed at the mere idea of it but I didn't.

His tongue lightly licked a path from my ankle upwards, slowly moving closer and closer to exactly where I needed him.

He hummed softly to himself as he lapped up the trail of my juices and his soft hair tickled my lower thigh as he whipped his tongue over the curve of my knee and moved even further towards my needy pussy.

His fingers dug into the flesh of my thighs as a he meant against me hovering his mouth over my pussy so that his warm breathe rushed over it like a refreshing breeze on a hot summers day.

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