One day

204 13 5

23rd Dec

Grayson PoV

New York. I hadn't fought here for a few years but that wasn't what was on my mind. There were a million and one things u should have been focused on but I was distracted.

I couldn't stop thinking about the time when Mads was living here, after my fucking prick so called stepdad Rob tried to rape her. He took her away from me and when she was away I had just felt numb. I woke up everyday and went through the motions but I wasn't truly there. I was so damn broken inside.

It was my decision to give her some space but not because I didn't love her, I only breathe for her but because I was scared that I would be a constant reminder of the attack, after all if it wasn't for my family Rob wouldn't have gone near her. She would be have even known her.

Everyone had forced me to go to that awards event. I was being given the title of 'sexiest man on the planet' but I didn't give a shit about anyone's opinions apart from Mads.

There as I made my acceptance speech there she was sitting right in front of me. Like a gift from god and looking as hot as hell.

The moment our eyes met I knew deep in my heart nothing had changed between us. I knew nothing would ever change them.

That was the moment I truly, hand on heart, with absolute certainty knew Mads was my endgame.
My true love. Mine. Forever.

I'd never been big into emotions but Mads made me act like a horny, loved up teenager every time I looked at her. She had me completely under her spell and I never wanted it broken.

I'd pulled a few, well a thousand strings and got a limo to pick us up from the airport. Gracie and the boys had crashed on the flight so it was just me, Mads, Elijah and Rose watching the bright lights of New York whizz by as we sped along on our journey.

"Why are we going out of the city?" Mads frowned as she noticed the city was behind us and we were heading further upstate.

"Management set up our accommodation so I don't know baby. Just sit back and close your eyes whilst the kids are quiet. You were up all night sick" Jesus had Mads been sick. All day yesterday and until the early hours of this morning she'd been crouched over the toilet.

I was starting to worry that she wouldn't be able to come with us and I wanted her close to me all the time, especially now I knew she was carrying our baby.

The doctor had given her some anti nausea tablets for bad bouts of morning sickness so she'd taken them and after an hour or so she'd managed to get a few hours sleep but pregnancy was draining her energy so she needed to rest as much as possible.

My queen deserved to put her feet up.

"Okay but wake me up when we get there" reluctantly Mads agreed and resting her head on my chest I wrapped my arm around her and held her close to me.

I smiled when I noticed her little hand was resting on her belly in an invisible connection to the baby.

Rose flashed me a knowing grin and past me a blanket from her huge Mary Poppins bag and I put it over Mads to keep her cosy. Rose has already got 3 other blankets out for the kids to rest underneath.

A light cream one for Gracie which had silver sparkly stars embroidered into it looking like they say upon a snowy sky. Then Luke's was navy with Santa's all across it. Preston's was plaid with a Reindeer and sleigh scene in the centre.

She also had the children's juice bottles and endless amounts of snacks had appeared from it during the flight and I would place bets that she had more in there too.

Maybe it was a grandma thing, but it was intriguing how on earth she had got that much stuff in there.

"I can't remember the last time I was in New York. It's beautiful this time of year" Rose watched the winter scenes go by with a soft smile.

"Last time I was here is when I found Mads again" I admitted fondly trying to push the anger that thoughts of Rob created and replace them with warm memories of Mads on that sexy as hell red dress with the split right up to her thigh.

The way she was so desperate for me that she refused to wait to get to the hotel and she'd shoved my hand inside her thong so I could feel her desire.

I'd taken her underwear off and put it in my jacket pocket.

Then she'd freaked out. She heard me unwrap a condom and it reminded her a Rob.
I thought she'd want to stop but she blew my mind and asked me to fuck her bare.

Skin to skin.

That was the first time we'd been together like that and I'd never felt anything like it. I'd made love to her in a dark corner of the Natural History museum as the event went on around us.

Then I'd told her that she was mine forever. I remembered every little detail of that night.

It was perfect.

"So are you ready for this?" Elijah asked me with his typical gruff tone bringing me out of my memories and back to the present.

"What'd you think? You're my coach!" It was one of my favourite things to do to annoy him by turning his questions back on himself because I knew it drove him mad.

Elijah was like a dad to me so I knew how much I could get away with before he'd punch me in the head to knock some sense into me and get me back in line.

"I wasn't talking about the fight. That I know the answer for" he corrected me and gazed over at our
sleeping company.

"More than ready Elijah. You know that too" I assured him because he already knew I'd never fuck things up on that front, never. It just wasn't an option.

"Doesn't hurt time check son. But I wanted to let you know that I'm very proud of you Grayson. We both are. Your dad would be too. You've grown into an incredible young man. I'm honoured to have you as a part of my family and to work with you too" fuck, was he trying to make me cry because hearing those words from him meant everything to me.

I was honoured to have him coach me, it wasn't him that should feel that way.

But my dad... god I missed my dad. I often wondered if he was somewhere watching over us. I had some many questions about that.

What did he think of all of this?

What would he think of my life?

Did he know he had grandchildren?

Did he think I was a good dad?

Did he think I was a good man?

Did he miss me as much as I missed him?

Had I made him proud of me?

There were so many questions I wished I could get answers about. If I could just see him one last time I would be able to find them out.

Why couldn't I have just one last time? One last day with my dad. One last time to tell him how much I loved and missed him and how hard I would work to ensure he was always proud of me.

One more day.

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