Depends on you

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Mads PoV

"Whose turn is it?"Grayson frowned narrowing his eyebrows trying to figure out who was next to ask a question.

We had got abit side tracked messing around which resulted in me being tickled half to death so now we were back to playing Grayson's odd game which forced us to talk about our thoughts and feelings rather than just fuck them out.

"Mine! Why have you decided to go back to fighting again?" He'd been putting in a lot of effort, way too much for just exercise and I wasn't stupid. He wouldn't have gone to a training camp across the other side of the world for no reason.

"I began fighting for my dad. I wanted to be like him, to finish what he'd started I guess. But I wasn't doing it for me, I was fighting a ghost Mads, constantly trying to live up to my dads memory. When I was in rehab I had to talk to this guy, a therapist and he wanted us to look at my entire life. But he asked me why I fought in those illegal matches. What drew me to them.." Grayson stared off into space as he explained things to me.

I realised then that this was why he'd wanted to play this 'game'.

This was his way of opening up to me and it was so refreshing to know he trusted me enough to share these inner most thoughts and feelings when it was so hard for him to do.

"And?" I prompted him to continue placing my hand over his forearm in a show of support and affection.

"In those fights I was doing it for me. There wasn't a ghost looking over my shoulder. If I got rid of the ghost then my career would be for me not my dad so that's exactly what I've done " Grayson explained looking down at the hand I'd placed on his skin and offering me a soft smile.

" are you going back then?" A part of me knew the answer already. I had known the minute I saw how much time and effort he had began putting into trading and how much time he and my dad were spending together. It was just like old times, well kind of.

"That depends" Grayson exhaled a long breathe and ran his hand over his face anxiously.

"On what?" I was confused now because I was sure he'd have already made a decision and probably signed a new contract by now.

"It depends on you" he stared into my eyes, his bright blue eyes looking full of hope and love.

"Me? I don't understand" why did his career depend on me? What did I have to do with any of it really?

"Regardless of this dating thing you are my wife. We screwed things up in the past because we didn't talk to each other. I won't make that mistake again. The contracts are ready to be signed and if I'm honest the deal is good... really good but I wanted to discuss it with you first. Here, read this and see what you think" Grayson was doing something on his phone then handed it to me showing me the deal details on the screen in his emails.

I was blown away by the amount of consideration and care Grayson had just admitted to. I had never been one to stand in the way of his career and I never would do that to him but just the idea of him wanting my opinion and it being valued to him was a great feeling.

I felt like he really did want this to work and for us to be stronger than ever.

"Jesus Gray this is a phenomenal opportunity. This deal is not gonna happen again. If this is what you want I think you should go for it" There wasn't going to be another deal like that. It was clear that they wanted him back more than most fighters.

Grayson had always had a good relationship with the UFC management and there was no doubt in my mind that if he really wanted it he could be at the top of the championship just like old times, only better because this time he wasn't doing it for anyone but himself.

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