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Grayson PoV

I had half expected Mads to fall apart when the time came for Hunter to leave. I'd wrapped my arms around her to offer her done support and let her know that I was there for her. She held onto me tightly and rested her head against my bare chest as we both watched until he was gone.

I jumped out of the ring and headed to the front door and locked it to make sure we didn't get any unwanted guests before I went back through to my woman.

Mads was sitting in the edge of the ring in my r-shirt with her legs swinging in the air. Her ponytail was slightly messed up and her lips were swollen and red but she looked like a absolute fucking goddess.

"Come on" I kissed her lips gently and lifted her up grin under her arms until she was nestled sideways against my body bridal style and holding onto me tightly.

Once we were in the VIP changing rooms I guided her back down onto her feet and turned in the shower.

The room was beginning to fill with steam and the heat from the water was making me more hot than I already felt.

"Hey... are you okay?" Mads was being really quiet. She'd been watching me every move and I'd caught her ogling my bare chest more than once and licking her lips but she was deep in thought and just too quiet and I didn't like it one bit.

Had I gone too far and misread the situation and fucked up by bring Hunter here. I was usually good at figuring out what was going on in her pretty little head but right now I felt shut out and clueless.

"Ahuh" she nodded and chewed on the inside of her cheek before turning her gaze away from me.
It was like she didn't know where to look but anywhere was better than looking at me. That hurt. I couldn't pretend it didn't.

I stepped up to her and grasped her chin in my fingers and pulled her head upwards and held it so she was looking straight up at me with nowhere to go.

"What's wrong? I need you badly... so fucking badly" I admitted swallowing hard at how vulnerable I was feeling in this moment.

Only Mads could make me feel so open and raw and I knew full well she could rip my heart out at any second and I'd never survive it. The pain would kill me.

My entire life was in her hands.

She was my life source.

My air. My blood. My true love.

The only person that could completely destroy me.

The only person that I wanted to devour and consume over and over until the day I died.

I couldn't help myself any longer, I needed her skin on mine and so I moved my fingers to the hem of my t- shirt and took it off of her lifting it over her head and throwing it behind us.

She still looked confused but she let me undress her. Despite the heat in here her nipples prickled into hard nuns and goosebumps rose all over her flesh.

"Who do you want though?" She whispered biting her lower lip nervously as she tried to cover her boobs with her folded arms.

I caught them just before she hid herself from me and I suddenly realised what she meant. Mads or Madison that's what she was confused about.

"Don't hide your body from me. This body belongs to me Mads. I want you Mads. I want my wife okay baby?" My fingertips traced invisible patterns over her flat stomach working their way upwards until I found her pert nipples. I ran my fingers over them then pinched them both at the same time as if I was snapping her into life again.

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