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Mads PoV

The children were all going alittle but crazy with excitement but I couldn't blame them. Not only was it Christmas Day but we were staying in a huge beautiful castle.

But it was traditional that we all had a family breakfast before any of the presents were opened and as we made our way downstairs all still dressed in our matching PJ's it was clear that there had been no limits to the time and attention that the men had spent last night.

There were more Christmas trees dotted around the house, all beautifully decorated and surrounded by huge piles of gifts.

The kids little fingers itched to touch things but we swiftly directed them to the massive dining room which Theo said wasn't the main one

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The kids little fingers itched to touch things but we swiftly directed them to the massive dining room which Theo said wasn't the main one. This place was truly insane!!

Theo's staff were busy rushing around to provide us all with drinks and lodging off the long list of possibilities for breakfast.

"Coffee madam?" A lovely looking, young redhaired woman asked me holding the coffee pot up at me.

"No she can't have coffee or tea" Grayson answered for me before I could even open my mouth.

"Oh yeh that's true. Could I have a orange juice please and is there any chance you could bring a jug of water out for the children?" I scolded at Grayson then turned my attention back to the kind woman.

"Yes of course and I'm sorry I wasn't ware that you couldn't have coffee" she muttered looking embarrassed to have brought it up to me like I was a drug addict and she'd waved a joint in front of my face.

"Don't be silly it's just I'm pregnant and my husband is being overprotective" again I glanced at Grayson and rolled my eyes when I saw the totally unfazed look on his stupid handsome face.

"Congratulations" the redhead said before heading towards the kitchen.

"What's with the evil looks Mads?" Grayson leant in and spoke quietly in my ear making goosebumps raise all over my skin despite being alittle mad at him.

"I can speak for myself that's all" my time came out weaker than I wanted, shrugging my shoulders and shaking my head at him at the same time.

"Sorry it's just this baby... I can't help but wanna protect you both. Protect you all. My family you know?" He kissed my cheek and when he spoke his lips brushed over my skin lingering as he leant into me.

"I'm sorry too I think my hormones are going crazy"
Now I felt guilty for being mean to him and felt like crying. God I was a mess!!

"I love you so much Mads" Grayson snaked his arm around my waist under the table and splayed his hand out over my belly, his touch warmed my soul and I relaxed into him.

"I dint know how we can thank you for all of this Theo. It's just like a dream" my dad spoke up as Theo took a seat opposite him.

"Yeh dads right Theo. This is amazing thank you so much" I added smiling brightly at my friend across the table.

"Anything for Maddie and you guys. You have all made me feel like a part of your family and that is amazing to me. I should be thanking you for that" Theo winked at me before talking to my dad honestly. He was still so humble despite his wealth and the luxury that came with. But he had no family left and he truly did enjoy being with us and we all loved him. Even Grayson!

"Well in my book you are family son" my dad lifted you his glass of water and gestured sweetly to Theo. My dad was unreal, he was such a big hearted family man.

"Excuse me Sir" a butler looking older gentleman approached Theo before leaning into him and whispering in his ear. Theo's gaze turned to me before he got up and excused himself.

I was busy sorting out the kids with drinks and breakfast when Theo returned looking alittle concerned about something.

"Maddie can I borrow you for a few minutes" he called out from the doorway stippling his fingers together.

"I'll be right back" I smiled at Grayson and waited for his to recoil his arm from my waist before I got up and headed over to Theo. He placed a hand in the middle of my back and began to lead me out of the dining room and shut the large doors behind us making me anxious.

"What's going on??" My nerves were making my stomach feel tight and achy and I chewed on the inside of my cheek nervously.

"Umm .."Theo hummed trying to find the right words.

"Mads hi..." a voice spoke from behind me making the hairs of my neck stand up as that voice, saying my name like that made my heart tighten in shock.

"Hunter" Spinning around so fast I'm surprised I didn't give myself whiplash I was taken aback by the sight of him standing right in front of me.

"I'll leave you to it" Theo senses the tension and quickly excused himself leaving me alone in this large foyer with Hunter.

"I got your text" Hunter told me holding up his phone.

"Oh right... yeh that. I shouldn't have said what I said it was cruel and I'm sorry" it was true. I had no right to speak that way to him no matter how disappointed I was in him.

"No don't apologise. You were right; I was being a coward. It was just too painful to see you and Grayson so happy but when you sent that text I realised that you were right. We are all family and there is no escaping that. Gracie deserves better and if I'm honest we all do" Hunter explained with a chuckle that lacked any humour.

"Gracie is gonna go crazy when she sees you. All the kids will but Hunter... -" I tried to swallow the limo in my throat knowing that he deserved to be told by me before he found out from someone else, but I didn't want to hurt him anymore than I already had.

"Hey Mads what is it?" Hunter stepped closer seeming concerned by my struggle to talk.

"Fuck.. Grayson and I... we..umm we're-" why was it so difficult to get the words out.

"We're having a baby. My baby" Grayson's deep gravelly voice cut me off and spoke with a firm tone.

"A baby... wow that's great congratulations. How far along are you?" Hunter faked happiness but the way he kept looking between me and his brother made it clear there this was an awkward situation and I knew what each of them were getting out.

"11 weeks" I muttered softly as Grayson came right up behind me and gently pulled my back against his chest. He knew how weird this was for me and was letting me lean on him for strength.

"I'm really happy for you both. Truly I am" Hunter was being sincere. I could see it in his bright blue eyes. But there was a hint of sadness too.

"Thank you. We are so glad you are here" Grayson relaxed more and I didn't need to see his face to know he was smiling at his brother. I knew that he had missed him a lot and was happy he was here.

"Yes we are. It's Christmas, you are where you should be Hunter. With your family" There has been a lot of things gone on between us all but beyond that we were a family. It was far from perfect but it was true.

Hunter was with his family for the holidays.

He was with his daughter for Christmas.

That was what truly mattered.

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