Beyond perfect

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Mads PoV

The next few days were like a tornado and like Dorothy in a Kansas somehow we'd ended up in a completely different world. Because this was not real life. There was just no way.

The house that Grayson had bought us was breathtakingly beautiful and after a week here I was still finding it hard to believe it was actually ours and this wasn't some sort of huge prank and the rug was going to be pulled from under my feet at any moment.

The house had a bright white exterior with the bottom half a textured white stone and the top half a smooth white finish

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The house had a bright white exterior with the bottom half a textured white stone and the top half a smooth white finish. It was a L shape that held the large garden and swimming pool in the opening. Talk palm trees surrounded the house and were scattered within the grounds too.

It was large without being overly lavish but homely and cosy which was exactly what I'd always dreamt of for our family home.

Gracie was thrilled with her bedroom and opposite her the twins were going to share a big bedroom for now because they still liked being close to one another.

But there were several bedrooms that one of them could eventually move into alongside multiple guest rooms and our master suite.

It was beyond perfect and I couldn't quite believe it was truly ours.

Every time I woke up I slowly peeled open one eye at a time fearful that it was all an amazing dream.

"Morning baby. Still not sure this is real huh?" Grayson chuckled kissing my lips softly finding my shock extremely amusing even after a week of me behaving this way.

"Good morning... don't laugh at me Gray. It's just... this... this place is so incredible I can't understand how it could be ours" I admitted cringing at how crazy I sounded. I turned into my side to look at him and took in his perfectly carved, god like features.

"Why wouldn't it be ours?" He cocked his eyebrow and turned into his side to look at me, his muscles bulging as he did so making my mouth water and my brain get very distracted. I was so enthralled in looking at his tattooed neck and arms that I completely forgot what he had asked me.

"Mads as much as I love you eye fucking me I asked a question. Why wouldn't this house be ours?" Fuck it. There was really no getting past things with him and now I was blushing bright red as I hid my face in my pillow to hide my embarrassment .

"The house is huge Grayson and so fucking perfect but I can't understand how we could afford it if I'm honest" after a few seconds to pull myself together I faced him again and admitted my fears.

"I made a lot of money fighting out of the rules Mads. It was wrong but I wasn't stupid, I invested the cash and made some really profitable returns on those investments. I regret getting involved in that shit but I will never regret providing my family with what they deserve and what you and the kids deserve is the best! Plus my dad left me a fair sum of money too. But money isn't the real issue here is it? What's going on?" Grayson could always read me like a book. In fact a lot of the time he knew what was going on in my head before I had figured it out myself.

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