The fight

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Mads PoV

If the ground would open up and swallow me right now that would be okay with me. I had my legs tightly crossed as I sat in the front row of the arena seats. Alongside Miley, Jayden. My three brothers and Dylan and Emily.

Dylan currently had a huge bag of chips on his lap next to me that were calling my name. I wasn't listening to them as they talked amongst themselves all I could focus on was trying to keep a straight face as the little vibrator buzzed away inside me slowly edging me together coming hard inside whilst I would have to act perfectly fine on the outside.

But Grayson was right about one thing, it had taken the edge off of my nerves. Luckily Hunter was working in Grayson's ring tonight with my dad, one last rodeo they'd said. So at least he wasn't near me to figure out what his evil twin had done to me.

He'd of guessed what was going on within minutes and I'm sure he would have taken great pleasure in teasing me about it. He was just as bad as Grayson and took great pleasure in tormenting me.

"If Grayson loses I can't afford to eat for the next month" Dylan leant into me and informed me with a blunt of mischief in his eyes. He knew if Grayson heard him even express a sliver of doubt in him that he'd punch him just to prove a point. He also knew I was too good a best friend to let him get out in that position.

"Yeh I dare you to say that in front of him Dyl" I said pointedly stealing something of his chips from the bag and stuffing them in my face to distract myself from the gentle waves of joy that were going off inside me.

"Rude. Get your own chips" Dylan moved his bag away quickly and teased me.

"I'm your best friend now give me some chips Barrett" How rude was he being tormenting a girl in need of food. Did he not understand the dire situation I was in right now? What his big brother had done to me? I just needed chips damn it!!

"Here knock yourself out Barrett" Dylan chuckles in amusement at his own little quip as he gave me the entire bag like the amazing bestie he is.

"Thank you, you are the most amazing bestie a girl could ask for" Kissing his cheek gently in gratitude before I got slightly more comfortable and began to snack on his chips in happy silence.

The other fights had ended and there had been a small interval before the main match. Grayson V Tommy. My stomach was a mess of nerves, delight and nausea all at the same time but I took a few deep breathes just as the lights of the arena shut off and we were left in a moment of complete darkness.

The bright spotlights suddenly flashed and the song 'Humble' by Kendrick Lamar began to blare out of the room and the lights flashed in time with the music. I saw Tommy and his team walking out of the tunnel and Tommy nodded as he mouthed the lyrics making me laugh at the thought of him ever being humble. I knew Dylan and my family were thinking the same because we were all laughing. It was ironic because he was the least humble person I'd ever met. He was truly delusional.

I was too busy laughing to even listen to Tommy's introduction. Quite frankly I didn't care.

But when the arena went black again I slid to the edge of my seat in antipation. The pounding pass of the song 'purple Lamborghini' by Skrillex and Rick Ross throbbed through the chairs making the vibrator in my pussy buzz even harder and I clenched in pure delight as my man walked out of the tunnel with his head held high and looking straight at me with a huge smile on his face. He was truly in his element and the crowd was cheering and calling out his name like he was a god. They were going absolutely crazy. Grayson was pulling in that energy too and I could see his body energised with the spirit of the people there to support him. I mouthed 'I love you ' to him and he did it back winking at me before turning his attention to my dad and Hunter who were giving him a last minute talk.

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